Why are Orlanth and Urox prohibited?

From: Christoph Kohring <ChOK_at_...>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:35:00 +0100

> Message: 22
> Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 09:44:57 -0500
> From: "KYER, JEFFREY" <jeff.kyer_at_...>
> Subject: Re: Re: analogies

> I'm just wary of religous analogy as it has a tendency to blow up....
> But hey, SPQR sounds like a good RPG name to me.
> But then I work in a computer lab with a Croat refugee AND a Serb
> refugee who sit within 3 metres of each other. Guess who's sitting in
> the middle?

A Bosnian?!? :o) ;o) :o)

Sooooorrrrryyyyy! I couldn't resist...

More seriously, I've always had trouble understanding why the Lunar Empire would prohibit any storm cult (ie Orlanth and Urox). I know that Orlanth is the Ultimate Rebel for Yelmic Dara Happans but the Red Emperor is a bit *more* than just the 77th Emperor. After all, the LE is much more pragmatic if not downright tolerant than its solar predecessor and the Lunar religion is also syncretic and all-inclusive. Thus why the prohibition?



> Talking to the Moon Woman: What The Lunar Priestess Says


> I have heard of other powers. Can you tell me the truth about them?
> All the gods who came before the Lunar Goddess are obsolete. These obsolete
> gods include the sky gods, earth goddesses, sea gods, darkness gods, and
> primitive spirits. They are stuck in their old ways, which once hurt the
> Creator unto death. The Red Goddess is the part of the Creator which has
> already been healed. We worship her and the New Gods.


> ...Orlanth?
> Orlanth is the breath of the Creator, stale and wheezing out a troubled
> existence. His creed is change and freedom, yet he is unfree and unchangeable.
> He resists the Goddess' liberation and suffers because of it, but with
> compassion the Red Goddess reaches out to him and will prevail. He shall be
> freed.


> Gods of the Lunar Pantheon


> Creator
> This entity, now crippled and stunted, is the spirit of the cosmos. The Red
> Goddess, bless her, has taken up the task of his
> healing. When she has succeeded, she will be his bride and queen.

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