Re: Re: Praise and a few questions

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 11:27:42 +1000

Gareth thusly carved the runes:

> > Incidenatlly, does anyone feel that there are any analogies (dodgy
> > though they always are) between the Lunars and the spread of Islam?

Ask me when I've finished the book on Middle East history I'm currently reading. :)

At the time of the Prophet, Yeman and Hijaz were client states, chess pieces in the continuing battle between the Byzantine Romans and the Sasanid Persians over control of the spice routes to India. There was a strong current of religious creativity as Zorastrian, Jewish, Christian and local traditions contended.

Early conquests came quickly. The was a high degree of religious tolerance (except when there wasn't), and relatively low taxation - minorities were usually better off under the Caliphs than they had previously been. Some of the most fervent warriors who extended the Islamic conquest came from defeated populations - the Berbers of North Africe being one notable example.

What are the analogies that you see with the Lunars?



nysalor_at_... John Hughes

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