Re: Steers and chickens

From: Sam Elliot <sam.elliot1_at_...>
Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 20:24:16 -0000

Well I'm glad you said that. The word, to me, just conjures up cowboys (well, cows, more precisely, of whatever gender). That's why I was suggesting that we might not do that in the UK anymore, even if the word was used here before - we certainly don't use draught oxen. I know the Yanks do (in the Whitehouse, ha ha ha. Sorry). In an extensive system of farming (e.g the US, S. America, Oz, Glorantha, Yoorup as was) it makes sense to fatten them up - maybe less so in an intensive system like the UK. My OED has the definition as per Chris, but says a young male cow, esp. one castrated.

Anyway, no-one liked the chickens either? I don't know the protocol here, are my ideas just crap, too loose to be of use, badly explained? I figured it was a forum to bash ideas around, whether they get used ot not. Go on, you can tell me, I'm feeling robust, I just had a lovely meal with my wife. Go on. I'm curious...

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