Re: Three Runes

From: Gavain Sweetman <gavain.sweetman_at_l0C-FJkruCZ6t09b0xhPkvFbIun1ZevkCa7LdtBtSa6vz_ewi--vED_X6wki>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 01:24:03 +0000 (GMT)

> L C <>

>> Gavain Sweetman wrote:

>> That fits my thinking exactly. Usually 3 would be enough to give the
>> godi a clear indication as to which direction to steer the person towards.
>> In Satar I would think that this time would be when they realise a
>> young person is going to be a Kolating, by the presence of a strong
>> spirit rune.
>Which then doesn't get awakened? Or does but uses Spirit magic?

Sorry, I wasn't clear. Yes the runes are awakened and the Spirit Rune is used to become the Tradition Keyword.

>> For me I intend that my groups Kolating shaman will use his spirit
>> rune as his tradition keyword. Particular spirit societies will be new
>> keywords derived from the Spirit rune / Kolat tradition keyword.
> Not sure what you mean by a keyword derived from a keyword.

So I have the Spirit Rune / Kolat Tradition at 2W and want to join the Seven Winds Practice. In the book you replace the Kolat Tradition with 7 Winds. Then if you player wants to become a shaman he needs to join the Seza practice, what do you do? What I do is to give them a second keyword for the 7 winds practice at their Spirit rune / tradition rating. This means that when the player wants to join the Seza practice to become a shaman he can again do so using the Spirit rune / tradition rating. Rather than limiting the player to being part of only one spirit practice.

>> His other runes will be available for augmenting relationships with
>> spirits as per non-divine runes for the theist.
>Theists have non-divine runes? (Is that in KoH?)

That's in Heroquest p110. "Initiation increases your magical effectiveness. You may now use your affinities associated with your god directly, as you would any other ability." To me that means any runes that are not associated with your god remain in the "only used as augment" class. So an orlanthi with air, movement and eternal battle when initiated to orlanth thunderous can use his air and movement runes directly but not his eternal battle. He must initiate to Urox to get full access to that rune.

>> A god is complex enough to encompass the entirety of a rune, and if in
>> doubt you can use divination to find out what to do in certain
>> circumstances.
> But most gods don't encompass an entire rune, do they? They are often
> very limited parts of a rune with the exception of the "great gods" who
> "own" runes. (And I'm even doubtful of that.)

That is true, urox only has limited powers from the air rune.

>> So it seems entirely logical to me why Theists use the rune directly
>> and the other forms of magic don't, but all forms of magic can benefit
>> from using runes.
> So only theists have the full magic of the runes?

No, I guess that they don't access the full runes only parts - even if they worship a god who owns the rune. I need to think more on this.

I guess that the bottom line is that no mortal has full access to a rune - it is always done through some intermediate. Some routes are inherently more flexible than others.


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