Re:Outlawry = death

From: DanR <justrabbits_at_DYVW69oC3MypAtlksS6wFQAQFldxMlx6Vm6mz9Mb5lym2w6l8taN-viJ1M_z-NxU>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 10:28:11 -0800 (PST)

Greg Stafford wrote:
>Outlawry, living all alone, is generally a death sentence anywhere, to anyone. Anywhere. Anytime.
Life is too difficult and dangerous for one person to survive very long. Historical fact, and true for Glorantha as well. Contrary to the expressed opinion, it is more likely that an outlaw would survive in an urban environment, since in that case there is *someplace*that he could go to find food, healing, clothing or whatever else he needs and can't provide for himself.
Yes, exceptions exist. But is is extremely difficult and dangerous for a band of people to live entirely in the wild, without any other human contact. For an individual, the standard expectation of long-term survival = 0. - - - - -

Greg's observation reminded me of this brief section in Jon Krakauer's 'Into the Wild,' describing Gene Rosellini (the ersatz 'Mayor of Hippie Cove'):

"In 1977, he landed in Cordova. There, in the forest at the edge of town, he decided to devote his life to an ambitious anthropological experiment. “I was interested in knowing if it was possible to be independent of modern technology,” he told an Anchorage Daily News reporter, Debra McKinney, a decade after arriving in Cordova. He wondered whether humans could live as our forebears had when mammoths and saber-toothed tigers roamed the land or whether our species had moved too far from its roots to survive without gunpowder, steel, and other artifacts of civilization. With the obsessive attention to detail that characterized his brand of dogged genius, Rosellini purged his life of all but the most primitive tools, which he fashioned from native materials with his own hands. “He became convinced that humans had devolved into progressively inferior beings,” McKinney explains, “and it was his goal to return to a natural state. He was forever experimenting with different eras—Roman times, the Iron Age, the Bronze Age. By the end his lifestyle had elements of the Neolithic.” He dined on roots, berries, and seaweed, hunted game with spears and snares, dressed in rags, endured the bitter winters. He seemed to relish the hardship. His home above Hippie Cove was a windowless hovel, which he built without benefit of saw or ax: “He’d spend days,” says McKinney, “grinding his way through a log with a sharp stone.” As if merely subsisting according to his self-imposed rules weren’t strenuous enough, Rosellini also exercised compulsively whenever he wasn’t occupied with foraging. He filled his days with calisthenics, weight lifting, and running, often with a load of rocks on his back. During one apparently typical summer he reported covering an average of eighteen miles daily. Rosellini’s “experiment” stretched on for more than a decade, but eventually he felt the question that inspired it had been answered. In a letter to a friend he wrote, / began my adult life with the hypothesis that it would be possible to become a Stone Age native. For over 30 years, I programmed and conditioned myself to this end. In the last 10 of it, I would say I realistically experienced the physical, mental, and emotional reality of the Stone Age. But to borrow a Buddhist phrase, eventually came a setting face-to-face with pure reality. I learned that it is not possible for human beings as we know them to live off the land."                   

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