Re: Death Rune and creating undead

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at__43pOsU6NB0WKnfTUrHkjvVziLkssgFQYmUyHvrT4oEQwpowkJAspZT3lkoY67kM1Wms>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 11:57:41 -0000

> I'm quite happy (in fact I think I'd prefer) for the power of
> Beserking to have different sources for different cults/cultures,
> but for some people to believe / look for a common link where two
> such dieties encounter one another. The God Learners, obviously
> would look for a common "ancestor" for the beserk power, and seek to
> tie back all beserkers to this cult one way or another, but even
> without them, where two such cults interact in a way that is not
> irrevocably hostile then some sort of shared mythology can arise (so
> for instance Storm Bull and Zorak Zoran are allies against Chaos,
> and both could conceivably be worshipped by cultures like the
> Torkani (mixing Storm Pantheon & Darkness) or the Morokanth (mixing
> Praxian and Darkness) - therefore a myth could arise that one of
> these dieties taught/gave the power to the other). Where the only
> interaction is hostile this is less likely (I don't imagine there
> are many shared myths or worshippers between Shargash and Zorak
> Zoran for instance)

Well, first off I don't think the God Learners were exactly experts in dealing with Urox. But let's look at this from the point of view of an educated Orlanthi scholar:

Urox (called Storm Bull by the Praxians) is the beloved but hopelessly destructive Chaos Fighter. He is loved because he will fight tooth and nail against Chaos, even when all others must flee. When there is no Chaos to fight, Urox becomes hopelessly destructive, just as his Bullmen are useless in peace. We offer sacrifices to him Urox to strengthen him in his fight against Chaos.

Zorak Zoran (also called the Master of Demons, the Dark Demon, and the Hateful One) is an evil demon worshiped by trolls and murderers. We only offer sacrifices to Zorak Zoran to keep him away, for he allied with Nontraya to kill Ernalda, and is one of the foes of the Good Gods. Those who say he is an "ally" of Urox are delusionary fools - although I have heard some Pavisites hold that ridiculous belief.


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