Re: The Red Moon in other parts of Glorantha

From: ttrotsky2 <TTrotsky_at_z_Ao0XnYmNTDPsoPsifop1vpU6EBQS3aTcxJw8S2bjO0ahY4Q74kVxgs0D-rGs1ZBJs>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 13:42:07 -0000


> Do all people of Glorantha know that the Moon is part of the lunar
> religion and the Red Goddess lives there? For example, let's take a
> "simple" seshnegi peasant.

This exact question is addressed in LotW2, for what it's worth.

> Does he/she know anything about the Lunar Empire?

Geography is unlikely to be his strong point. He does, however, know that there are lots of horrible pagans out east who all damned to Hell, because the vicar told him so. He doesn't really know or care (and, quite possibly, neither does the vicar) that some pagans worship the moon and others worship the storm; it's not like there's any real difference.

> Or do the people in west have any kind of "malkionistic"
> explanation for the Moon?

The peasant knows its bad and evil, because the vicar told him so. Educated wizards know a bit more than that. LotW2 describes the events of its rise, which you'll note came at a time when Seshnela was in a really bad way. A brief quote from that section, if I may, as it won't be published for a year or two:

"The false worship and heretical ignorance of the old Hrestoli had weakened the power of God in the world, allowing a foul and noxious entity to break its way in from the Outer Darkness. Rokar taught everyone the correct paths to follow once more, and the triumph of the true religion over that of it's rivals prevented the Moon's dire prophecy from reaching fruition. Yet the Moon remains in the sky... so it will remain until the true religion triumphs over all others, and all men bow to venerate Malkion and Rokar, as God commands."

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