Re: Hsunchen Was: Animist magic [was: Changed magic in 2nd and 3rd Age]

From: David Dunham <david_at_4b8zgV0YesRVAu6duVXq4GqOpW0coyBBzHyKN2brGjb1jiz2rVCIV_iz3EXF_KensyAW2r>
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 18:50:52 -0700

Jeff Kyer

>I think one point that is continually overlooked with the Hsunchen
>is that they are in a very basic way, broken. One of the primary
>tenements of their worship is the reintegration of missing spiritual
>parts that they lack and once integrated these spirits become part
>of the worshiper until they recover all that was lost with the
>coming of whatever destroyed or damaged their particular people, be
>it Death, Wolves, or Lima Beans.

I like the "broken" idea. Makes sense.

So the lima bean warriors at
<> (towards the bottom) are actually hsunchen? An amusing idea, though I wouldn't be surprised if they're really aldryami -- or something purely Otherworld.


David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:


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