Re: Why is the Wenelian tradition anti-bird?

From: Jeff Kyer <jakyer_at_djcPHIOy6myPLCDiZ64RIGYQ7MCaaqGHIt9nMn1HWvfdB8_VNQKtir48tVn3GcLgSqMUu>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 03:43:59 -0000

This is something I considred strongly when I was investigating the Wenelians and their mish-mash history. But I wanted to write something that was approchable and not a long nigh-thesis on a score or so of societies and cultures. That said, we could do with somore more detailed cult writeups for the region.

> Most of the time the changes have no moral connections--it just is how it
> is.
> And those poor folks who have only one shape! LOSERS!!

Yep. Which is why they are relegated to the fringes and periphery of settled areas. The morals are more in the eyes of the beholder. I know I don't want a bunch of baby-eating monsters on the border of my tribe. Better burn them out. At least the Black Oaks have the decency to be merely wrong rather than disgusting.

Now if there were Fox Hsunchen, then things would be different! =)


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