Re: What lies beneath Alda Chur???

From: Christopher Graves <chrphrgrv_at_cDAcp0lGz0sAmMgSkQ5LcC_1Z_d8vzaenPBAtH4KiMTDUQ8U9Cs5pYSf72wW2Zfboy>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 02:12:59 -0000

> "Salor [Kermalanaladeen, "Process barracks of the Right to Left Hand"] is where merchants are sent to after they are processed at Darmislangastrofey. It is sometimes called the Tongue of the Dragon."
> However, I could certainly imagine that Ala-Chur was built on the ruins of an EWF fortress or manor of some great lord of the Third Council.
> Jeff

I am assuming the blue flame temple dedicated to Yelm found by the Far Walkers on the site of Alda-Chur predates whatever EWF enclave that did exist there. I am guessing that this is a late first age structure. The city is definitely described as having walls and many structures within that are draconic including "slender spires" that I assume are EWF in origin. Possibly even these structures are older? Possibly these from a Dragonnewt city that was destroyed in an earlier possibly even pre-dawn episode and that has never been repopulated? The EWF would likely have found some use for such a site.            

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