Re: Homosexuality in Glorantha

From: Greg Stafford <glorantha1_at_fx_R80IO0FrTJVJSY7F6eUsreu4ok0JShhZ5Z9arViFISIQ4zJeMyLpquwIjl7Xb4>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 15:37:44 -0700

YGWV On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 2:44 PM, giannieanna <> wrote:

> Hi all
> I don't know if this topic has ever been addressed before...

Innumerable times, i seems.

> My (male) RQ2 character has just become... a woman! But the GM says 'he' is
> still a male in his head. I guess this means (s)he is still attracted to
> women. That makes my character (technically) a Lesbian.
> Now, most Gloranthan cultures seem pretty conservative (except maybe the
> Lunars) -- should I expect hard times for my character? In Prax? In Pavis?

The Orlanthi recognize the mutability of life and don't really care about the sexuality of others. Their god(dess) Heler(a) is a prominent divine example of this. Some important rituals
Praxians are similar. People with minority sexual genders are treated differently in each tribe, of course, but for instance the bison folk women like to have a big husky daughter at home because the men are gone all the time, and the men consider themselves lucky to have a breasted man along, because they are immune to many broo magics that are targeted at those puny human parts that might try to rival the broo organs. The Pavisites have a god that is the spawn of magically induced inter-material reproduction (i.e. includes rocks and wood among ancestors!). While such intercourse is actually less common than rare (and never result in spawn), there is a house of carnal pleasure for the people chosen by their gods to have such desires. Such participants are not secretive--indeed, some have prominent roles in public ritual re-enactments and are celebrities. But to such, relations between women or men are trivial.

But even the AB has no overt injunctions against specific sexual activities, many have been institutionalized by custom and Rokari philosophy.

In fact, I am having trouble thinking of a place as homophobic as our modern western culture.

ALSO, the listmeisters have orders to yank this whole thread as soon as it flames, rants, or turns loony. Thank you.

Greg Stafford
Game Designer

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