So what's SOLACE to a rokari ?

From: hcarteau_at_OdVwTz3zXeUOSrcaRtwDO7fH5_NIRTnbD9wEazfVsg-SrLxPRKE3nBvQb41STZNr2Ix
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 20:59:34 +0100

OK, so we now have established the difference between Solace and Solace of the Body. Solace is what good malkioni aspire to after their life of toil and duty, their afterlife reward. But nobody knows what it is exactly. I do not see pearly gates and lute-playing angels anywhere, but I know the good people must relate to something during weekly sermons.

So what would a rokari reader say about Solace to his dronari flock ? How would a rokari chaplain explain it to his horali flock ? In short, what do non-zzaburi rokari picture in their minds when they think of Solace ?            

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