Re: So what's SOLACE to a rokari ?

From: hcarteau_at_yLGPPrwUYZPS9cnnq-H9_7tl7VgysETG8I7BefSkSemjx3-ZRZ2sdguLubm2YixGQ7d
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:13:31 +0100

Selon Peter Metcalfe <>:

"The promise of Solace (for many, backed up by the experience of Joy) is worth a lack of manifest magic" (HeroQuest p156).
/// Man, it must be something super-good if people accept to go by without heavy
Magics (they still use cantrips and folk magics more or less discreetly anyway).

The Rokari don't believe in Joy so by implication rely on the promise of Solace alone.
/// YES. They don't get a weelky Holy Fix, a shot of Joy. And all humans need
positive stimuli from time to time, not just fire and brimstone psermons about how hard the afterlife in hell is for slackers, heretics, etc. So what does make them tick ??

Transporting is something that was done for theistic cults, not Malkioni churches.
/// Hear hear. Kick the smelly pagans out of this Logical and Reasoned
discussion. Pity their wretched minds, muddled beyond restoration by so much wicked rituals, obscene cavortings with demons and imbibing prohibited substances.            

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