Re : Re: Re : [WorldofGlorantha] Balazar campaign ideas?

From: hcarteau_at_...
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:41:34 +0100 (CET)

Yeah, It's very impressive. I'm so glad I read it. It seems to be a great way to introduce players to Glorantha without totally overwhelming them. They are going to be tribesmen somewhere south of Dykene.
/// Good, so they're far from... everything. They might know mostali exist ("little undeground men with thundersticks") and have seen giant hawks. Otherwise, they think Dykene is the pinnacle of civilization !

I'll probably use one or two of the "growing up" scenarios, to get used to the system, then there is a solid introductory adventure in GURPS Ice Age that fits really well. Then try to use GM like the sandbox it's supposed to be.
/// All fine to me.

I'm a little intimidated about that though. I've never done a sandbox type campaign. I read a review on that you really have to be on your game and know the information well.
/// My advice is : do prepare one scenario, such as a raid by marauding triloi hunters (all scum) or even worse, aldryami. Or an encounter with BlueFace, who senses the characters' great Destiny, and sends them off to... do something.

One thing I didn't really like was how much they expected PC's to pay for information. It was 250 for this or 1,000 for that bit of info.
/// Don't mind that part. If they need some info, make an adventure of going to the person who can supply it, then negotiate with services ("we'll help you meeting King Skilifil with our lives"). There's no money in Balazar. Tribesmen PC probably can't even understand this notion.

Also, animal skins don't seem worth very much. The PC would have to wipe out an entire herd just to buy a sword. Forget about the location of the Festering Island.
/// It's not much indeed, and a bronze sword is a treasure. Imagine when they get to Tarsh or Holay and discover EVERYONE uses metal instruments !! Besides, what need has a hunter for a sword ? Bronze spear- and arrowheads, sure. But swords ??? Swords are magic.

I read somewhere that you base the value of money on how much a loaf of bread is. So what is it in Balazar? A side of bacon?
/// Balazaring tribesmen don't eat bread, but roots, wild vegetables and fruits, etc. The elkoini have begun some weird magic called "agriculture", and rape mother Earth for her bounty ! Let's go kill'em.
Seriously, a balazarin PC can produce his/her own food, whatever the season.

> I'm starting a Balazar campaign soon and was wondering if anyone had any interesting adventure seeds, or memorable experiences I could benefit from?
/// My Balazaring campaign (an offshoot of my tarshite Blackwater campaign) ended up freeing Elkoi from the lunar yoke, literally : they went to the Other Side to free Elkoi from his lunar-induced slumber, fighting off lunar magicians, then coming back to This World for a pitched battle. Also, don't forget Gonn Orta.

Finally, do reat "Grandpa's Tales", the wonderful/horrible/both stories from Oliver Bernütz. Shows you Balazar as you've never seen it.            

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