Re: Dara Happans and Time

From: David Weihe <blerg2_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 17:00:02 -0700 (PDT)

jeffrichard86 wrote:

Also keep in mind, the Dara Happans don't have a chronology until two centuries
> AFTER the Dawn. It is worth carefully rereading GRoY - Plentonius (truly one of
> Glorantha's greatest scholars!) created the Dara Happan dating system based on
> two poetic quotes.

Or at least, Plentonius created the Official Unified Dara Happan Chronology (trademark registration and patents pending, as soon as the Emperor in Raibanth gets around to it) from King's Lists, reign lengths, good guesses as to interregnums, and the two quotes to handle going back into otherwise-eventless mythic history to nail down the date of Yelm's and Muzzy's enthronements (look at it, almost nothing real occurs in M's "reign" before his death).  Thus, he took info as spotty as that in KoS which tells when Argrath's Ritual Of The Net took place to make a single dated chronology much like Bede did for English history (introducing AD and BC as a side effect for the rest of the world, just as Plentonius introduces Yelmic dating for anyone who wants to use it as opposed to the Years After Dawn calendar of the Dawn Council or the Malkioni Turns of Zzabur's Glass).  That it is as likely correct as Dionysus The Short's calculation of Jesus' Birth or  Bishop Usher's of the exact date and time of Creation's End is entirely beside the point.

Anyway, discussing pre-Dawn time vs. Time is a waste of time (aka, heavy Glorantha Digest fare).  Androgeus and Gonn Orta know but aren't telling, The Only Old One knew but cannot tell since his demise, and any Lunar Traveler or New God Learner probably doesn't know but will tell anyone that he/she can cadge a drink and meal from (those that DO know are probably insane, but in any case cannot convince anyone else).  RW descriptions and analogies will not usually help characters trapped in Glorantha, even in the Magic Place(s), even if they make a string of Idea Rolls that John and Michelle Philips would have envied.

That being said, I personally like my Feynman Diagram analogy (which predicts that there is a ritual which causes a drought by a Storm god trapping a Water god in a gravely wounded Dragon, which heals that Dragon, thanks to CPT invariance), but that is just from too many years majoring in Physics in college.  At little RW Cosmology and Quantum Uncertainty can make all sorts of useless analogies that us players may misunderstand and misuse to our hearts' contents, but have no meaning to PCs.  Thus, while Dara Happans may believe in the Plentonius dating implicitly, they do not use it to plan the civic festivals, or for aiming into the Otherside.            

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