Re: Lunar Chaos Figthing Cult

From: drscience3000 <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:43:07 -0000

> If you want to have a Lunar Chaos Fighting Cult, you can - Your Glorantha will vary. However if you want to keep your Glorantha in line with what is currently defined as canon by MD - which no one is saying have too, a Lunar Chaos Fighting Cult isn't in keeping with current ideas on the Lunar Empire.

It seems we are going around in circles. First off, you don't need to envoke "unhealed" chaos to see that the Lunar empire sometimes has enemies who use chaos. I'm seeking to introduce anything. The Irin school is in the the Lunar Handbook. All I'm saying is that I find it OK.

And perhaps this is part of the problem, when I say that I have no problem with a school that helps the Empire when it finds it needs to fight chaos (whether it does so because you believe in unhealed chaos or the text above means they just sometimes fight it when its "not on our side"), some talke about how a Lunar cult shouldn't "oppose all chaos", but there never is a response when I ask why (if you were making a point on that in your message, I missed it). I think that people are assuming that I'm talking about bringing in a Storm Bull equivalent, I'm not. The Irin school description exists in ILH II and it says nothing about all chaos being bad. The school merely preserves techniques for combating chaos when the need arises. This all seems quite reasonable.

Now the references to Dara Happa are timed interesting, because in our group there has been disagreement about whether Carmanian influence on the Empire hasn't largely displaced Dara Happan. But this neither here no there for this point.

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