Re: Arkat and Dorasta

From: David Scott <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 12:07:41 +0000

On 25 Oct 2013, at 22:06, wrote:

> My question is: WHY is Arkat raping Dorasta? Why keep Dorastor a chaos pit? I understand that if he had simply killed her that she'd have been replaced and that by trapping her and forcing her to gift him her flora, he is able to spread chaos through Dorastor, but WHY does he wish this?

Dorastor (1993) says
"Then did Arkat turn to the destruction of Dorastor. His anger and hatred knew no bounds. He salted the land, poisoned the waters, then called upon the Curse of Cleansing and invoked the gods to scourge and curse the land forever, preventing its rebirth in any form, magical or phyical. One troll tale describes the power of Arkat's curse: At Arkat's bidding the very mountains groaned and rolled over, and in the great heat of the battle the earth was melted in places, and in other spots her flesh crept away from the horrid fighting it witnessed. So the terrain was changed forever from what it used to be, and not a single building from the old age was left standing. The land lay bleak and barren as Arkat departed through Kartolin with his surviving followers. He never looked back, nor returned to view it. After the cleansing, there were "neither dead to be buried, nor spirits to haunt, nor undead to shamble, nor life of any kind, nor boming, nor hibernating.""

So there was nothing left. It was a sterile barren land. Dorasta had gone back to sleep as she did in the Great Darkness. Then Ralzakark appears with his broos from somewhere in the Second Age and repopulates the land on their terms. IMO Ralzakark has probably existed since the godtime in some form as a chaos entity bound into time, or perhaps he's a part of Nysalor that escaped the dismemberment and burial. Dorasta is stiring from her slumber by the worship of farmers who need her to grow crops.


David Scott. Mac & PC Computer Support.
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020-8150-9716 / 07956-589433

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