Bell Digest vol06p02.txt

Subject:  RQ Digest,  Volume 6,  Number 2


First Distribution:  March 18,  1991

This issue:
	The Dilis Swamp					Paul Reilly
	More Wildlife of Dilis				Paul Reilly
	Golden Bow					Jamie O'Shaughnessy
	Hippoi						Jamie O'Shaughnessy
	Devour: a New Sorcery Spell			Glen Bailey

[Ed's note:  I thought I sent this already,  but nobody seems to have
gotten it and my logfile tells me I didn't.  If it's a duplicate,  my


From: (Paul Reilly)

Subject: The Dilis Swamp

The Dilis Swamp is an unusual geographical feature left over from the Chaos
Wars in Godtime.  Scholars speculate that a Convergence opened at the heart
of what is now Dilis, possibly as a mighty weapon in the War, or possibly
just as one of the many chaotic accidents that plagued Glorantha after the
birth of the Devil.
  In any case, Dilis is now a place of chaos and horror.  Fragments of once-
normal land still exist incongruously in the midst of strange bubbling swamp.
Another example of the basic anomaly of Dilis is the fact that portions of it
are still steamily warm even during the harsh Fronelan winter. These portions
are home to several species that normally would not even live in Fronela, and
mutations from those species.
  Other strange distortions of normal reality pervade Dilis, especially as
one approaches the presumed site of the Convergence.  Scyring spells stop
working or give contradictory results.  (The Brithini of Sog have overcome
this limitation to some extent with their Seeing Stones, constructed over
centuries at great cost.)  Even time and distance can be strangely altered.
These distortions are as important in keeping Dilis unexplored as is the
resistance of the mutated native life.

  Some Denizens
  These descriptions apply to the denizens of the fringes of the Swamp;
typical chaos-hunters wishing to just dip in for a day or two might run into
these.  Also some of these critters will occasionally slither out and harass
farmers or whoever else lives near the Swamp.

  Scholar Xenographos Ariman of Sog University speculates that the onomato-
poeically named Vroluti are in fact distant descendants of broo who
repeatedly bred with amphibians or fish for several generations running.
Certainly they have some of the same habits as broo, such as carrying
disease, and Sir Xanthos Krjalki-Bane of Southpoint brought back some
sample heads with vestigial horns as well as others with more typical
amphibian or fishy features.
  An alternate theory of Vroluti origins is that they are mutated
descendants of the Frog-Hsunchen, or even greatly mutated batrachians.
  Hsunchen legends in the region around Dilis prominently mention Old Bull
Frog,  who sacrificed himself to stop the growth of a Hole that was
"thrashing the earth and the sky", presumably their description of the
Convergence.  It is unclear whether this mythic figure has anything to do
with Vrolut, however.

  Vroluti vary in size but are usually between three and six feet tall; if
they were stretched out straight they would be somewhat taller.  The types
most  commonly seen by humans are clearly based on a sort of
anthropomorphized-frog model.  Some warty types exist, presumably based on
toads.  They share some mental and cultural characteristics with broo but
are possibly even more stupid.
  It is rumored that fish-based Vroluti exist but many scholars suppose that
sightings of the tadpole-stage of the relatively well-known amphibious
Vroluti gave rise to these rumors.
  Some isolated incidents seem to indicate a type of newt-based creature in
Dilis also; it is unclear whether these are giant newts, another type of
Vroluti, or some badly-misplaced newtlings.

  Vrolut is the eponymous ancestor-hero of the Vroluti; his cult has only
minor temples, according to the best estimates.  Often he is worshipped in
conjunction with other deities or with shamanism.  It is unclear just what
Rune Magic he offers, if any.  Ceremonies worshiping him sound much like a
bullfrog chorus: "V-r-r-r-o-LUT!  V-r-r-r-oLUT! V-r-r-r-o-LUT!"

  Other Deities
  Primal Chaos appears to be popular amongst these creatures, judging by
the relatively common incidence of both helpful and detrimental Chaotic
Features. Xenographos and other scholars agree that Thed and Malia are
often worshiped.
  Anecdotal evidence indicates that the Vroluti of Dilis have access to at
least one temple of Pocharngo or of a local deity who serves much the same
  Rumors of Thanatar-worship among these anthrobatrachians seem
unsubstantiated. However, Toad-Vroluti have been known to kill several
victims and take only the heads, possibly because they find brains
especially tasty.
  Gorakiki-Fly may serve much the same function among certain more advanced
Vroluti tribes that Cattle-Eiritha does among humans.  Certainly the
Vroluti are known to consume the giant biting flies of Dilis.
  Of more normal deities, the Frog-Vroluti are thought to worship Heler or
to have some other way of influencing rainfall.

  Vroluti and Humans
  Vroluti are despised by humans not only because they are chaotic 
(occasionally sporting Chaos Features) but because during prolonged rainy 
periods the frog-men will venture out of the Swamp and raid human lands,
killing isolated groups of people or lone travelers and carrying food,
baubles, and weapons.  Occasionally young women have been carried off,
undoubtedly for some evil purpose whose exact nature is unknown.
  Occasionally after such raids livestock in the raided areas have given
birth to monstrous hybrid offspring, giving credence to the broo theory.
  Xenographos writes in his {\em Compendium Krjalkium} of his personal
theory that the Vroluti seize women to breed a more intelligent class of
offspring, who in turn become the leaders of the next generation.  He
believes that Vrolut was a Hero of Thed who learned to breed with
amphibians so that his descendants could exploit a new niche.  Possibly his
cult has something to do with Vroluti reproduction, which would explain why
he is so popular and yet seems to offer no useful magic.

  The Vroluti Threat
  Frog-Vroluti are much more numerous and hunt in packs; however,
Toad-Vroluti may cause more damage to humans and livestock because of their
greater ability to leave the moisture of the Swamp.  Individual
Toad-Vroluti have been known to be extremely large and powerful, often
possessing a useful chaos feature, high combat skills, and/or poisonous
skin or spurs.  

  Vroluti have surprisingly good relations with other chaotic beings (i.e.,
they don't always fight and occasionally cooperate) and occasionally either 
domesticate or Control Walktapi.  Vroluti "villages" always seem to have one
"pet gorp" which doubles as a garbage disposal and "land mine".

  Vroluti technology is generally primitive, consisting of wooden spears or
captured weapons and tools of wood, leather, or stone.  However, they seem
to have a good understanding of human tools and weapons and treat them with
respect.  When attacking, they often sneak up submerged and leap out of the
water in an attempt to grapple and bite; if visitors to Dilis stand in
knee-deep water or deeper they may find their legs grabbed and bitten by a
stealthy Vroluti.
  The total number of Vroluti is unknown; it seems to fluctuate wildly but is
at least in the thousands.

  The Walktapi of Dilis normally prey on whatever they find in their area, 
including knights-errant and Storm Bulls who have come to kill them.  If
their local habitat is disturbed, as for example by a chaotic geographical
shift or a succession of dry years, they may stupidly wander out into human
lands where they will eventually be killed.
  Xerographos of Sog has an unusual theory of Walktapus reproduction (the
usual theories include egg-laying and fission.)  He believes that Walktapi
plant a small parasitic tumor-like creature on the human head which slowly
spreads and converts the unfortunate human into another Walktapus.  He
bases this theory on God Learner texts which have unfortunately been

  Ordinary broo haunt the drier parts of Dilis, usually at the feral level
of culture.  They are not very numerous.
  Recent signs of greater organization seem to indicate that someone is 
teaching the broo more advanced skills and tactics.  Possibly their mentor
could be a "missionary" from Snakepipe Hollow or Dorastor, or a very sick
human outcast.  Conceivably they could just be learning from the tactics of
the knights and other questers who occasionally try to wipe them out.

  Chaotic Animals and Plants
  Dilis' base flora and fauna include not only swamp-creatures such as
mosquitos and martens, but also animals and plants that belong in different
habitats altogether.  Any of these can be found in a chaotic version;
however, there seems to be an underlying theme of "amplification" in their
chaotic abilities.  For example, a bat might be able to stun with sonar, a
few might be supernaturally cunning, a mosquito might be able to suck magic
points along with blood.  "Losing" chaos features also follow this theme,
e.g., a chaotically slow tortoise or a chaotically ugly warthog.  No
satisfactory explanation has been offered of these phenomena, but most
scholars agree that it has something to do with the nature of the

  The very spirits of the land are often warped in Dilis; semi-intelligent
quicksand elementals may be found along with the insane ghosts of previous
victims.  Sir Theophilus the Chaste was devoured by a chaotic fertility
nymph or a strangely beautiful limniades.  Ulro the Uncoling, a shaman of
great power, contacted and destroyed a chaotic spell spirit before it could
teach anyone else its vile magic.  The God Learner sage Melbotast
catalogued forty-seven types of chaotic spirits of Dilis before his mind
was broken by the forty-eighth.  Many other reports can be found by the
diligent researcher.


From: (Paul Reilly)

Subject: More Wildlife of Dilis

Jack O'Bears
  It is believed that there may be one or more Jack O'Bears in Dilis, but if it
is there it's very canny and flees from powerful groups, preying on loners.

  Gorp is not uncommon in Dilis but comes in several varieties, some with almost
intelligent behavior:
  Green Gorp - likes sunlight, can live indefinitely without food.  Green Gorp
  sometimes forms massive "mats" which cover acres of swamp.  On the plus side,
  it is considerably less efficient at dissolving people & things (2 points per
  round instead of 8) and is quite non-aggressive, only attacking things within
  two or three meters.  Note that due to its liking of light it rarely uses the
  gorp "strategy" of hiding flush with the ground under some debris and waiting
  for something to walk into it.  If one part of a mat is attacked, the whole
  mat may gradually get into motion.

  Sucker Gorp - this gorp has Strength and victims must beat it to pull away.
  Even slower than most gorp, though.

  Deep Gorp - never comes to the surface.  Bad for swimmers and people buried
  up to their necks in mud.

  Hiding Gorp - conceals itself under leaves, mud etc.  Seems to be able to pick
  out game trails and other paths.

  Big Gorp - Rumored to be as big as a house and relatively fast/smart.  
  Hopefully just an old wives' tale

  A vrok is large black bird that resembles a cross between a raven and a hawk.
Vroks either generate or dip their claws into filthy poisonous disease-carrying
slime.  They will then fly up behind creatures and try to scratch them (usually
1d3 or 1d4 damage).  Once having scratched, they will fly high and trail their
victim for a few days, waiting to see if they get fatally ill or incapacitated.
Somehow they signal their relatives and often a large flock gathers.  When the
victim finally expires or collapses, they swoorate relp down and feed.
  A vrok is large black bird that resembles a cross between a raven and a hawk.
Vroks either generate or dip their claws into filthy poisonous disease-carrying
slime.  They will then fly up behind creatures and try to scratch them (usually
1d3 or 1d4 damage).  Once having scratched, they will fly high and trail their
victim for a few days, waiting to see if they get fatally ill or incapacitated.
Somehow they signal their relatives and often a large flock gathers.  When the
victim finally expires or collapses, they swoop down and feed.
  Vroks are quite bright for birds and will pick reasonable targets, normally
attacking only from behind or by surprise.  Their poison/disease feature gets
stronger the deeper you go into the Swamp.
  Vroks are found within around a day's flying outside of Dilis in Earth and
Dark Seasons.  These have relatively weak poison (d6 POT or so) and mild
diseases (check as per normal exposure starting with failure=chronic).
  Broo and Vroluti are believed to have domesticated Vroks.  Vroks can be
taught to imitate a wide variety of sounds, including words.
  Hargan Dor the Outlaw had a Vrok for a familiar.

Slorgs (var. Slargs, Glargs, etc.)
  Possibly distantly related to slarges, these large reptiles* are quite active
and normal until they reach maturity.  They mate once, and the males promptly
die.  The females find a good spot and dig in.  Then they wait for prey to come
by.  They grow throughout their lives, becoming more powerful and less mobile,
until finally they are huge subterranean creatures whose camoflauged heads
protrude partially above ground or swamp level.  When something comes by their
mouth opens and a powerful tongue flicks out to draw it in in much the manner of
a cliff toad.
  Vorthrip the God Learner is quoted as stating that these creatures often
exhibit chaotic features. rate rel Modern experience seems to contradict this.
  Slorgs can be spotted on a special Scan success by travelers, or on a regular
Scan by native tribesmen familiar with their camoflauged appearance.  Native
guides are fairly popular among those not too fastidious or fanatical to deal
with broos and whatnot; sadly most people who enter Dilis are fanatical chaos
fighters in the first place.

 *Kelidor of Okarnia, a Grey Sage, contends that these creatures are amphibians.

  Mralori are the swamp cats of Dilis.  Unlike most cats they are social, hunt
in packs, and enjoy cold swampy water.  Their toes are very long for cats and
webbed and are used both as adjuncts in swimming and as "snowshoes" for walking
on snow or mud.
  Mralori vary in coloration throughout the year, always maintaining appropriate
camoflauge.  In Storm and Sea seasons they are white and it is during
this half of the year that their pelts have sufficient value to attract hunters
into Dilis.  In Fire and Earth seasons they are mottled olive and brown.  Dark
Season is mating season and the males grow a brilliant iridescent fringe of hair
around their necks; after mating (about 2-4 weeks into Dark Season) their
summer coat falls out, revealing the white winter coat already started
  The male Mralor is usually 30-60 kilograms (SIZ d6+4) whereas the female
runs only about two-thirds this weight.  (SIZ d3+3)  
  The Mralori hunting snarl has been known to freeze prey, including humans,
long enough to allow several Mralori to spring and get in a free attack. 
(Treat this as a resistance test of magic points; for every 5% or fraction 
thereof that the prey is "beaten" by they will freeze for a full strike rank.)
It is unknown whether Countermagic and similar defenses will block this effect.
  The Mralor's preferred prey is the wild pig of the Swamps although they will
attack and eat other large and small animals.  They are shy of humans and will
avoid them but occasionally raid farms with nursing piglets or where swine have
recently been slaughtered.  Mralori much prefer live kills but will eat carrion.
  Mralori are smart enough not to attack humans unless they are very hungry or
the humans are very weak and in their territory.  They will defend themselves
and their family group if attacked (typically for their fur) and if wounded or
cornered will attack Fanatically as per the spirit spell.
  Mralori are only rarely chaotic (5%) and those so tainted are often driven out
of their pack.  It is thought that this taint is acquired only by accident.
  Scratches from the claws of these cats often give rise to virulent infections.

  The Blort is a fish of Dilis notable more for its peculiarity than its danger.
Blorts apparently swim nbormally and feed on mosquito larvae, etc.  However,
when threatened or when stranded in a small pool, the Blort will escape by
gulping great quantities of water or air into its highly expandable stomach and
"blorting" it out through its mouth, causing the fish to fly backwards for more
than a meter.

  Greater Thrack
  The Greater Thrack is a giant marsh bird that eats fish, amphibians, and
mammals with equal relish.  Since they can grow anywhere up to six meters in
height, they are much feared.  Those over two meters are thought to be
  The Greater Thrack is much more aggressive than its cousin the Lesser Thrack.
Like many birds, it is attracted to shiny objects; sadly, it is too stupid to
know that armor and weapons spell danger for it.
  Luckily Greater Thracks are fairly rare.  Sadly they do operate in family 
groups of up to twenty.
  Wounded Thracks will try to fly away even if they are too large to do so.  
When they realize that they can't get away, they "fly" into a frenzy and peck at
anything within reach until the threat seems ended.

  Lesser Thrack.
  A largish marsh bird (about one meter high) that preys on fish,frogs, and
mammals such as mice and muskrats.  Their body plan is in between that of storks
and kingfishers.  Brown or sometimes white.
  The Greater Thrack is thought to be a chaos-induced offshoot of the Lesser

Spirits and the like

  Mist Demon
  This seems to be a (possibly chaotic) cross between a sylph and an undine,
perhaps slightly intelligent.
  The Mist Demon appears when the weather conditions favor mist.  Like most
elementals, it is usually described according to its volume in cubic meters.
  When the Mist Demon engulfs someone, it attacks by suffocation, gradually
filming over their respiratory system with a thin film of water.  This is an
invasive procedure and can break through a Skin of Life or similar spell if
the size of the elemental in cubic meters is greater than the intensity of the
spell.  This attack is otherwise equivalent in effect to a Smother spell with
an intensity equal to the size in m^3 of the Demon.
  Mist Demons are largely insubstantial and weapon attacks normally do only one
point of damage per attack to the elemental structure of the Demon.  Fire and
heat do their full damage, however.
  The Demons seems to feed on the life force of their expiring victims, growing
slightly with each successful kill.  Marvinos of Tarinwall speculates that some
of the "colds and coughs" which afflict travellers in Dilis are actually due to
the attacks of "baby" Mist Demons rather than actual assault by disease spirits.

  Intelligent air elementals are known in other parts of the world; in Dilis
they seem to be fairly common and to have picked up an evil bent somewhere.
Their "jokes" are often dangerous and sometimes fatal.
  Sprites normally are only a few cubic meters and seemingly have intelligence
between that of a monkey and a human child.  They know a surprising amount of
magic, usually air-related in some way.  Common actions include knocking people
down, stealing small objects, and casting spells such as Spark (a little piece
of Lightning that works like a Disruption) or Shimmer.
  Sprites have the ability to vibrate the air to produce sound and can produce
a near-perfect rendition of sounds they have "heard"; those of greater  
intelligence have more "recording capacity".  They will use this talent to
lead travellers astray or simply cause trouble or confusion.  A common trick is
to hang around and echo everything that is said until they get bored; they will
not get bored until people stop reacting. 

  Wallow Spirit
  These strange Passion Spirits fill anyone whom they succeed in covertly
possessing with an irresistable desire to wallow.  Once covered in squishy mud,
the possessed person can carry on a normal conversation, eat, fight, etc. but
cannot understand why they should want to leave their comfortable wallow.
  Kelidor of Okarnia contends that these are not Passion Spirits at all but the
ghosts of albino pigs.  (Albinism is fairly common in chaos-infected areas and
is often fatal to the animals afflicted with it.)


From: Jamie O'Shaughnessy 

Subject:  Golden Bow

        GOLDEN BOW.
        ~~~~~~~~~~~     by Duncan Rowlands
                        RQ3 conversion by Jamie O'Shaughnessy

        Golden Bow is the son of Yelm and is responsible for the teaching 
of archery skills and spells. He is portrayed as an armoured warrior 
bearing a bow of gold and a quiver of arrows but no other weapons, astride 
a winged horse.
        Golden Bow is especially revered by the Pure Horse Tribe, as he 
spent many years in Pent at the founding of the tribe, where he 
established many noble families, taught archery and led the tribe in 
opposing the forces of Darkness left on the surface after the Dawn.
        Golden Bow is associated with the rune of Fire.

        This cult is the cult of archery. As such it has limited political 
or social power in the cultures in which it is worshipped as such 
positions are usually occupied by other Light gods.
        Golden Bow is opposed to the worse aspects of Chaos and the forces 
of Darkness.

        Each priest's shrine is autonomous, although they can command any 
initiate who will follow them. Each fireday of Death week is a Seasonal 
Holy Day, with the cult's High Holy Day occuring in Fireseason.
        Among the Grazelander worshippers of Golden Bow a military unit 
called the Golden Bow Warriors is formed. The Golden Bow Warriors are 
active in times of war or hired out as mercenaries in small units to other 

        Membership is open to any non-darkness being who is willing to 
follow the dictates of the cult and pays 1 Wheel to a priest.
        Lay Members must forswear the use of any missile weapon other than 
a self or composite bow (or Elf bow if they are an Elf) and may not use a 
shield of any kind.
        Lay Members may learn the skills of self bow, composite bow and 
horse archery for half-price; and learn the spirit magic spells Speedart, 
Firearrow and Multimissile for half-price. They may learn the cult special 
spirit magic spell of Bow Meld for 1000L and are prohibited from learning 
the spell Darkwall from any source.

BOW MELD :      1pt Spirit Magic, Range 80m, Focussed on others, unfocused 
                on self, Passive, Temporal.
        This spell increases the recipient's archery and horse archery 
abilities by one half. The recipient cannot use any weapon other than a 
bow, cannot parry, nor can he cast any non missile weapon enhancing spells 
whilst affected. He may dodge at full ability, move to find new targets 
and cast spells not proscribed above.

        Prospective Initiates must have been Lay Members of the cult for 
at least one year, have fulfilled their cult responsibilities 
successfully, have at least 50% ability in an archery skill, sacrifice 1 
point of POW and pass the usual test. Initiates have the same weapon 
restrictions as Lay Members and are additionally forbidden the use of 
two-handed and on-and-a-half-handed melee weapons.
        Initiates may learn all Lay Member skills for free and may 
sacrifice for any available Divine magic on a one use basis only.

        There is no such status in this cult. Bow Masters fulfil both Rune 
Lord and Rune Priest status for cultists.

        Rune Priests of Golden Bow are titled Bow Masters. Candidates must 
have a POW of at least 18 and know a bow skill and any other skill at a 
minimum of 90% ability. Candidates must have been Initiates for at least 3 
years and pass the usual test.
        Bow Masters have the same weapon restrictions as Initiates except 
that they may not use any melee weapon larger than a dagger.
        Bow Masters do not gain the usual easier POW gain rolls, which 
remains (species maximum - current POW) * 5%. Bow Masters receive an 
allied spirit in the usual manner which is housed in a golden bow which is 
given to the Bow Master at their ordination. Once the bow has been attuned 
by sacrificing a permenent point of POW, the bow may be used at the 
owner's full ability. The bow has 15 armour points, and an effective range 
of 150m, inflicts 1d8+1 damage and allows its owner to cast a Sun Arrow 
spell upon an arrow fired from the bow once per week (each week commences 
at dawn on Fireday). The bow will not bend and be usable by anyone other 
that it's attuned owner.
        The cult has access to all standard 1 point Divine spells as well 
as Extemsion 2 and Sureshot. The cult may summon small salamanders and has 
the following special cult Divine spells.
SUN ARROW : Duration until fired, Range touch, Reusable.
        This non-stackable spell must be cast upon an arrow. When fired 
the arrow leaves a beam of golden sunlight behind it and burns with the 
fire of Yelm. The arrow may be fired without penalty up to the bow's 
maximum range, has a +15% chance to hit, does 3d6+3 damage and does double 
damage after armour to creatures of Darkness. The arrow may not be 
additionally affected by a Firearrow, Multimissile or Speedart spell.
BOW TRANCE : Duration 15 mins, Range 30m, Reusable.
        This spell places the recipient in a trance in which only hiw bow 
and his enemies exist. The recipient has his archery abilities doubled but 
may not use any other weapons, nor may he parry with his bow. The 
recipient may use his full dodge ability and move to find new targets, but 
may not use any magic other than archery enhancing spells. This spell 
cannot be stacked with either itself of Bow Meld.

        The cults Spirit of Retribution acts to make any contact the 
apostate has with a bow or an arrow be as if he had come in contact with a 
potency 5 acid. In addition, the spirit will cause any arrow passing 
within 5m of the apostate to veer towards him and strike him at the 
archer's normal chance. Any arrow actually aimed at the apostate will act 
as if it was affected by a Speedart spell in addition to any other magic 
already affecting it.

        This old friend of Golden Bow provides his cult with the following 
one point Divine spell :-
SPEAK WITH HORSES : Duration 15 mins, Range voice, Reusable.
        This spell allows the recipient to converse with horses for the 
duration of the spell. Oratory may be required to convince the equine.
        The war god of Light grants his brother's cult the use of the 
following one point Divine spell :-
SUNBRIGHT : Duration 15 mins, Range 160m, Reusable.
        This spell creates a 60m radius of light around the recipient of 
the spell. This light gives the effect of full daylight and thus will 
affect Trollkin and Cave Trolls. It also demoralises Shades, Ghouls and 
Vampires. It does not blind a foe, but it gives the equivalent of a 2 
point Shimmer spell to the recipient.

        Golden Bow's father grants his son the use of the one point Divine 
spell CLOUD CLEAR (as of RQIII magic book).


From: Jamie O'Shaughnessy 

Subject:  Hippoi

        ~~~~~~~         by Duncan Rowlands
                        RQ3 conversion by Jamie O'Shaughnessy

        Hippoi was once known as Hippogriff, favourite daughter of King 
Griffon, who was the son of Yelm and Mikyh, Mother of Animals. Hippoi was 
the mount of Splendid Yamsur, eldest son of Yelm, during the God's War and 
Great Darkness. During this time she had her fangs torn out by the Storm 
Bull; Moran Gor, the Earthshaker, broke her legs and ripped her claws from 
her feet, which were later replaced by Yamsur; and Zorak Zoran tore off 
her golden wings.
        Hippogriff was later taken and ridden by Haylor, later known as 
Horsebreaker, a mortal descendant of Yamsur, who made an alliance and 
changed her name to Hippoi, or simply Horse. When the Sun rose, the pair 
received great bounty in the first years, and their herds and people 
increased greatly with Yelm's blessing, becoming the first horse nomads.
        The cult of Hippoi has survived intact since the Darkness, 
primarily among the Pure Horse Tribe. The cult has moved with the tribe 
from Northern Peloria to Prax, and then to Dragon Pass, where the cult 
continues among the Grazelanders. The cult also persists among the nomads 
of Pent.
        Hippoi promises that both human worshippers and horses will return 
to the world after a variable amount of time in the peaceful, fertile 
pastures of Hippoi. Intelligent members of the cult are cremated one week 
after death, as are the tails of horses. Hippoi will permit the 
resurrection of worshippers, if possible.
        Hippoi is associated with the runes of Fire, Beast, Man and 

        The cult of Hippoi provides the basic life style and survival 
needs of horse nomads, such as the Grazelanders.
        The cult forms the basic structure of Grazelanders social 
hierarchy, who are ruled by the cult's Hero High Priestess, the Feathered 
Horse Queen. The cult also provide important advisors among the Pentians.
        The cult dislikes all those who would harm or mistreat horses, 
including those who kill horses without Peaceful Cut. Hippoi hates Chaos 
which would threaten the herds, is neutral towards the Lightbringers, 
distrusts the cults of Waha and Eiritha, due to the nature of the nomad's 
beasts, and dislikes the cults of Storm Bull, Zorak Zoran and Maran Gor.
        The cult is friendly towards all Light cults due to their family 

        No formal inter-cult hierarchy exists between tribes.
        Within the Pure Horse Tribe, the senior High Priest has overall 
authority. Each clan is ruled by a cheiftain who is a priest of the cult, 
although a clan may have several Priests.
        The cult has no major centres of power or holy places other than 
the temples within the Grazelands and Pent. Most temples to members of the 
Yelm pantheon contain a shrine to Hippoi.
        Hippoi's High Holy Day is Fireday, Harmony week of Fire season, 
with seasonal Holy Days on Fireday, Harmony week of the other seasons. On 
Holy Days, the cult feasts and holds many competitons to show its skill at 
horsemanship and the superiority of horses over other mounts. Members of 
the cult must not eat the flesh of any beast other than horses on a holy 

        All members of the Grazelands, Pentian tribes and horses are Lay 
Members at birth. Outsiders may join by paying 1 Wheel or by being adopted 
by the tribe. Many members of the other Light cults join as Lay Members.
        Lay Members must never mistreat a horse and must sacrifice magic 
points on Holy Days. Lay Members with the tribe must attend to the needs 
of the herds and obey the commands of their appointed leaders.
        Lay Members with the tribe are provided with basic tribal weapons, 
clothing, food and shelter.
        Lay Members of Hippoi are granted the following benefits :
        Reduced cost : Orate, Ride, Track and Tribal weapons.
        Increased cost : Any Axe weapon skills.
        Prohibited : Any Club, Mace or Maul weapon skills.
        Special : Butchery, Find Horse Food, Find Water, Horse Care and 
                  Treat Horse Disease.

BUTCHERY : [RQ2 costs 300/500/1000/exp to learn]
        This skill allows the user to butcher a horse or other animal 
properly and without waste.
FIND HORSE FOOD : [RQ2 costs Free]
        This skill enables the user to locate food suitable for horses.
FIND WATER : [RQ2 costs Free]
        This skill is identical to Find Horse Food except that it enables 
the user to locate water usable by horses and humans, whether free 
standing or contained in plants.
HORSE CARE : [RQ2 costs 100/200/300/400]
        This skill allows the user to keep a horse alive and healthy for 
its normal lifespan.
TREAT HORSE DISEASE : [RQ2 costs 400/800/1600/2000]
        This skill is similar to the Treat Disease skill of Chalana Arroy 
(see Gods of Glorantha), except that it relates to diseases which affect 
        Reduced cost : Light, Mobility, (Xeno)Heal
        Prohibited : Darkwall
        Special : Peaceful Cut

        Candidates for initiation must be adults and have spent at least 
one year as a Lay Member with a nomadic horse tribe. Candidates must have 
50%+ ability in Ride Horse, Horse Care and a Tribal Weapon; know the spell 
Peaceful Cut; have not shamed themselves or Hippoi whilst a Lay Member; 
sacrifice a permentent point of POW to Hippoi and pass the a test 
abstracted as [((POW + years as a Lay Member with tribe) * 2) / 3] * 5% on 
1d100. Intelligent horses are automatically initiated upon maturity.
        Initiates must follow the same requirements as a Lay Member and 
additionally must answer the summons of a cult Priest, regardless of the 
distance to be travelled. Initiates must protect any horse at all times 
and must attempt to punish anyone who mistreats a horse.
        Initiates will receive the same benefits as Lay Members and may 
lead raiding and war parties away from the tribe.
        In addition to those available to Lay Members, Initiates have 
access to the following skill :-
UNDERSTAND HORSE SPEECH : [RQ2 costs 500/1000/exp]
        This is not a verbal speech, but is training a person's 
perceptions to be alert to see and interpret warning signs, odours, 
movement or other gestures made by a horse. Conversation is not possible 
with this skill.
        In addition to the spells available to Lay Members, Initiates have 
the following spells :-
        Reduced cost : Coordination, Firearrow, Repair and Slow.
        Initiates may sacrifice for one use of any standard reusable or 
cult special Divine magic, but not associated cult magic.

        Rune Lords of Hippoi are the defenders of the herds and leaders of 
warriors. They may be male or female and are known as Horse Lords.
        Candidates must have lived with a nomadic horse tribe for at least 
5 years and been an Initiate for at least 2 years. Candidates must have a 
POW of at least 15, have at least 90% ability in Ride Horse and Tribal 
Weapon Attack, plus at least 90% ability in any three of the following 
skills :- Butchery, Horse Care, Orate, Track, Treat Horse Disease or any 
other weapon. If a candidate fulfills these requirements he/she must pass 
the usual test andsacrifice a point of POW.
        Rune Lords must never ride any beast other than a horse. Their 
spouses must be at least Initiates of Hippoi (if they are already married, 
then their spouse has 1 year to become an Initiate, otherwise the couple 
must divorce).
        Rune Lords of Hippoi have the usual benefits of Divine 
Intervention and Iron equipment, if the Rune Lord has the iron available. 
Hippoi will awaken the Rune Lord's favourite horse to full intelligence to 
be their allied spirit (see Miscellaneous Notes).

        The Rune Priests of Hippoi form the noble hierarchy of the Pure 
Horse Tribe. The Priesthood does not have to lose its Dexterity based 
skills and are urged to become Rune Lords as well. They are known as Horse 
Priests, with clan cheiftains known as Horse Khans.
        Candidates must have lived with a nomadic horse tribe for at least 
7 years and have been an Initiate of Hippoi for at least 5 years. 
Candidates must have a POW of at least 18, at least 80% ability in Read 
Own Language and have sacrificed for Speak To Horses (Divine Spell) as an 
        The Priesthood is restricted in the same way as are Rune Lords.
        The Priesthood receives the same benefits as the Rune Lords, as 
well as the usual easier POW gain rolls.
        Priests may sacrifice for all standard Divine spells plus the 
special spell of Shield. Priests may summon Small Salamanders as 
                ONE POINT SPELLS
SPEAK WITH HORSES : Duration 15 mins, Range Voice, Reusable.
        This spell allows the recipient to converse with horses for the 
duration of the spell. Oratory rolls may be required to convice the 
BLESS HORSE :  Duration Instant, Range Herd, Reusable.
        This fertility spell increases the foaling potential for each 
horse so blessed. Each birth has an 80% chance of producing twins and 90% 
chance of foals born will be female. This spell can only be cast on 
Hippoi's High Holy Day, and only affects the next years foaling.

        The human ally of Hippoi from the Godtime is the cult's Spirit of 
Reprisal. Those Initiates who become outlawed from the cult are followed 
by this spirit who will communicate the persons outlawry without failure 
to all Rune Levels of the cult and all horses, 50% of the time to 
Initiates and 20% of the time to Lay Members and Initiates or Rune Levels 
of other Light cults. This will result in the outlaw never being able to 
mount a horse and he will be subject to attacks from human cultists, 
warhorses, stampeeding herds, etc.

        From the fiery grandfather of Hippoi, the cult Priests gain the 
one point Divine spell CLOUD CLEAR (see Gods of Glorantha).
        From Hippoi's father, the cult Priests gain the following spell.
                THREE POINT SPELL
GROW WINGS : Duration 15 mins, Range Touch, Reusable.
        This spell can only be cast upon a horse. During the course of a 
complete melee round, the horse grows a pair of feathered wings, which 
have the same hit points as the horses legs and the feathers are 
equivelent to one point armour (Use Sky Bull/Griffin hit location). The 
horse may fly at a movement rate of 12 whilst carrying their full 
encumberance and any Initiate or Rune Level of Hippoi may act in all ways 
as if the horse was galloping across the plains.
        Hippoi's uncle grants the following spells in memory of his lost 
borther whom Hippoi served during godtime, Splendid Yamsur.
                ONE POINT SPELL
CATSEYE : Duration 12 hours, Range 160m, Reusable.
        This spell affects the recipient's eyes so that he can see by all 
available light. This is not infravision; if there is a complete abscence 
of light he will not be able to see. However, the light from a single dim 
spark allows him to see to the normal range of his vision. The recipients 
eyes will reflect like a cat's.
SUNBRIGHT : Duration 15 mins, Range 160m, Reusable.
        This spell creates a 60m radius of light around the recipient of 
the spell. This light gives the effect of full daylight and thus will 
affect Trollkin and Cave Trolls. It also demoralises Shades, Ghouls and 
Vampires. It does not blind a foe, but gives the equivalent of a 2 point 
Shimmer spell to the recipient.
        From this son of Yelm, who founded many noble families amongst the 
Pure Horse Tribe, Hippoi receives the following Divine spell from the God 
of Archery.
SUN ARROW : Duration until fired, Range touch, Reusable.
        This non-stackable spell must be cast upon an arrow. When fired 
the arrow leaves a beam of golden sunlight behind it and burns with the 
fire of Yelm. The arrow may be fired without penalty up to the bow's 
maximum range, has a +15% chance to hit, does 3d6+3 damage and does double 
damage after armour to creatures of Darkness. The arrow may not be 
additionally affected by a Firearrow, Multimissile or Speedart spell.
        This fellow deity of a Sky animal provides the cult of his old 
friend with the following skill and Divine spell :-
FALCONRY : (Knowledge skill, base 0%)
           [RQ2 costs 200/400/800/1600]
        This skill enables the user to keep any avian, not just hawks, 
alive and healthy for it's normal lifespan, know the correct type of food 
and be able to select superior birds. The skill also enables the user to 
treat any ailments appropriately, to train an avian to perform various 
tasks depending upon the specific avain and to breed avians successfully.
                TWO POINT SPELL
SPEAK TO BIRDS : Duration 15 mins, Range Voice, Reusable.
        The person on whom this spell is cast may talk with one type of 
avian for the duration of the spell. The spell cannot be used to speak 
with familiars or other birds occupied by non-avian souls. If the person 
desires to convince the bird, an successful oratory may be required.

        To receive an allied spirit, Rune Lords and Priests must sacrifice 
one point of Divine Intervention, which has a 95% chance of working, (as 
for enchanting Iron), to have Hippoi awaken their favourite horse to full 
intelligence. The horse gains 2d6+6 INT (and 3d6 CHA [RQ2]), whilst 
retaining all other statistics at their previous levels, including POW. 
The ally has a POW gain roll of (21 - Current POW) * 5%, rather than the 
straight 5% of normal spirits; it perceives the world through it's own 
senses and its lifespan becomes that of a normal human. Once the horse's 
POW reaches 18, it may become a Priest of the cult without meeting any of 
the other requirements, gaining the usual easier POW gain roll and the 
ability to sacrifice for reusable Divine spells. The horse may not obtain 
an allied spirit of it's own.
        The horse gains the ability to speak the native language at the 
same ability as it's allied Lord or Priest and may learn any skill or 
spell it desires. The horse's old skills may change to reflect any INT 
bonus it now has. The horse may continue to have normal offspring with 
it's unintalligent kin.
        If an allied spirit's body dies and is not resurrected then the 
ally will remain and is then as a normal allied spirit in all respects.
        Although only Rune levels of the cult are expressly forbidden to 
ride any beast except a horse, most members of the Grazelands or 
Traditional Pentians would prefer to turn vegetarian and walk rather than 
use any herd beast not from the Sky. However, under exceptional 
circumstances, practicality will usually ve the order of the day with 
Initiates and Lay Members of the cult.


From: (Glen Bailey)

Subject:  Devour:  a new sorcery spell

Devour (characteristic)
   Ritual (Touch, Active, one hour per intensity)
This spell allows the caster to increase his characteristic by one
if he rolls percentile dice less than or equal to the intensity of the spell
at the spell's end.  The caster must eat a particular part of a creature that
is the same species as the caster and the maximum intensity is that creature's
same characteristic.  At the end of the spell the creature dies.  This spell
is considered to be VERY evil (even more so than Tap).  The body part that
must be eaten is dependent on the characteristic:
    STR   muscle
    CON   heart
    SIZ   pituitary gland
    INT   brain
    POW   liver
    DEX   adrenal glands
    APP   eye(s)
I also have an elemental attack spell (various names based on the element:
Firestorm, Thunderclap{air}, Soulleech{darkness}, Meteorstrike{earth},
Deluge{water}, Lightspear{light-opposite of darkness}).  I also created
a -Resist (element)- and -Wall of (element)- spell.  For the light element
I created the light elemental and they are called Aurora. 

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