See the little goblin...

From: David Cake <>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 1994 15:52:06 +0800

        OK, we all are probably aware of the well known class of Goblins that are related to primitive plant life (also known as Red Elves, and including such critters as Slorifings, and Orveltors).

        But there seem to be other goblins in Glorantha. There are goblins related to darkness. They appear in Dragon Pass, where they are physically rather tough, and move very fast (6-15-2, for you DP fans), and from the counter illustration they are tall, skinny, and gangling (and obviously non-human). They only appear after Sir Ethilrist has used his Cloak of Darkness and so they are thus presumably somehow magically created or transported (though they are not very magically tough themselves), and associated with Darkness and/or Hell (which is where Ethilrist got the Cloak).

        I think that there is some more info about them in an early WF that I can't find right now. There was also an IMHO fairly dodgy, and rather non-Gloranthan (it uses deities like Crom Cruach) version from a couple of reasonably early (or at least pre- Warhammering) White Dwarf.

         So, anybody want to offer their own take on these critters? Are they resident anywhere on the surface of Glorantha? Are they residents of Hell?



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