more phenomena

Date: Wed, 09 Aug 95 12:15:28 +0100

Hi all,

My posting about meteorogical phenomena seems to have gone down moderately well, let me emphasize that I present them for use as shells for each person to expand or change as they see fit for MGF. Of course, you could just present them without explanation and chuckle evilly as the the players desperately try to find the significance of these events.
Here's some more, and some responses to the responses.


These are silver because the human eye is not sensitive enough to detect colours at this low light level. However don't let this stop a good idea, if you think moonbows are red or silver then they are! In the same way that rainbows are a sign of the compromise, moonbows are a sign of The Goddess's reforging of the compromise. Do trolls see then at all?

St Elmo's Fire

Joerg asks which spirits are bouncing around the ship. My answer: whatever ones you want - ships are still rare enough and the oceans still wild enough that there can be virtually anything you want (IMHO).  Obvious ones are storm spirits or sea spirits. These may need placating or may just be curious and/or playful (and need placating). Obvious ways include sacrificing players and/or important (to the plot) NPCs, or just a little blood letting. I don't think that knowlege of the seas is complete or widespread enough for characters to know much about them.

I hadn't heard of Rainbow Girl or of tin compassses before.

New effects

The Horizon Effect

When the Sun sets (or rises) it seems much bigger than during the day. RW: This is purely an optical illusion - photographs with long exposure times show that the diameter of the Sun doesn't change, so it's nothing to do with the atmosphere bending the Sun's light in odd ways. It's not well understood but it seems that as the is on the horizon we can then compare it's size to trees or buildings etc that we know the size of, the apparent size of the Sun is much larger than these (usually) and so we interperet this to mean that the Sun *is* much larger. At midday there is (usually) nothing for us to compare the Sun with directly so it seems smaller.
RQ: It seems odd for Yelm to get bigger when he's supposed to be getting weaker - perhaps He's gathering His stregth for the Underworld journey.

Earthquake Flashes

In the first few moments of an earthquake, or just before one there can be a slash of sheet lightning.
RW: The electric potentials of the ground are changing as the earthquake begins, a lightning flash along the fault line re-establishes equilibrium. Since the potentials are quite sensitive this sometimes happens before the earthquake proper and in some instances can be used to predict 'quakes. RQ: A good excuse for some SFX when Maran Gor preistesses are around.


When the Monn is in cresent phase you can sometimes see the dark part of the Moon. RW: This is caused by Sunlight reflecting off the Earth onto the Moon and then back to the Earth. This light is barely enough to make out the normally dark areas of the Moon.
RQ: Presumably a sign that The Goddess is particularly strong that week.


Traditionally these are seen as pools of water in deserts or visions of cities many miles away.
RW: There are two effects involved here both based on refraction of light in air of different temperatures. The first effect - that of pools of water - can be seen most frequently nowadays if one looks along straight roads on a hot day. The air just above the road is hotter and has a different refractive index than the air around it. Light hitting this patch of air at certain angles is reflected instead of being transmitted. This reflected light looks silvery and can easily be mistaken for the surface of a pool. The second effect - that of whole cities - is much much rarer and happens when the entire atmosphere has layers of air at different temperatures act as one and can send images for several tens of kilometers depending on the temperature difference, making large areas (such as cities) seem to be in completely different positions.
RQ: These are obviously Trickster playing about.  

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