Smart Aldryami? Greedy Dwarves? Hungry Krashtkids?

From: Erik Sieurin <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 17:16:39 +0100

Regarding turning Gloranthan "reality" into game stats: Why do Aldryami have such high INT? I could think about "wisdom of the ancient trees" etc, but isn't that covered by POW=intuition? (which is high, and rightly so). Is it a remnant of the general Other Game idea that Elves Are Better?
Isn't high INT (logics, memory, reasoning) rather a Mostali trait, while they may lack the intuitive part (POW?)?

(Yeah, I know I can change these anytime I wish, but there is sure to be some good explanation I have missed, that explains these things in a Gloranthan context).

By the way. Why are dwarves supposed to be greedy and selfish? As I see it, most "normal" dwarves live (and sometimes die) for The Machine (ie the Decamony, or whoever rules their dwarven stronghold). How does that compute with general selfishness? Callousness, yes, since they do in no way regard non-dwarven life as sacred. What use does a normal dwarf has for gold? In some earlier contributions I suggested that their is a thriving black market within dwarven strongholds, and maybe they use some kind of coinage, but generally dwarven societies seem to work like mega-colchoses. Why should then dwarves covet it? It does not further The Machine in any way. Is all this talk about "greedy dwarves" and "dwarven riches" only so much poppycock from humans who are used to treating any metal as _very valuable_, while dwarves have these things in abundance? Why does it then appear in sections that obviously are aimed to instruct people in playing the role of a dwarf?

Got Lords of Terror recently (the last on the list?), and started to wonder about Krasht and the Mostali. Mostali do not make images of her, but recognizes all human images. The few who met Krasht when she hid underground where "Mostali miners". It is said that the cult of the Munching Ma' has tried (and failed) to recruit trolls and elves, as to infiltrate their societies as well as the humans, but what about the dwarves? Could that be the source of "greed"? Are they connected in some way? Chaos dwarves (horrible Chaos Workshop flashbacks, aaarghh!)? Mostali certainly tries to control the surface as well. Are the Krashti the foremost enemies of whatever internal security the dwarven strongholds have? Certainly they may have problems with mindless krashtkids munching their way into dwarven territory - no one else can match the dwarves when it comes to (under)mining. Are their special techniques developed by the Iron Caste to handle the problem? Krashtkid Exterminator, new Dwarven occupation?

Erik Sieurin

And, ah yes, someone said the dwarves helped the Lunar Empire. Wrong. The Lunar Empire only think so. It was they who helped the dwarves. Everything is progressing according to The Plan. All Repairs are on Schedule.

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