Re: Sense Assassin

From: Peter Linton Tracy <>
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 14:14:49 +1000 (EST)


Some time ago Dave Dunham posed the problem of just who is an assassin in glorantha and how sense assassin works. Well... IMH(pseudo-runic)O the Humakti gain the sense assassin skill through their association to the the rune death. Thus the sense when people are concentrating on that rune (ie; intending harm to them, or people closely linked to them). The links for the sense assassin skill I imagine are formed in some brief prayer to Humakt, and can include anyone in the particular Humakti's company. But...         

... If it does work this way, sense assassin may not work against someone with the express and ultimate aim of humiliating, embarasing or just plain ruffing up the humakti (actually ruffing-up/violence may be considered/construed an aspect of the Death/War/Violence rune!?) or his boon companions. Or a YT's Boom [chaos] companions. ;-)

Said my bit, thanks for reading.

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