
From: Nick Effingham <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 20:55:03 +0100

>Clearly, Argrath shows some of Arkat's skills - the ability to meld disparate
>groups of people into single fighting forces, the ability to HeroQuest
>effectively, eventually the betrayal of his people (when he destroyed the

 Arrrgghhh!!! When did he do this, I've seen it mentioned by Greg in some Seminar transcripts but I can't find it anywhere in KoS (I take it that it's in there somehwere, hiding from me; damned Boggles!). Isn't Argrath killing gods a supremley *bad* thing? How did he do it? Isn't this merely proof that he's a new incarnation of Shargash and therefore a new incarnation of Arkat?

Nick E.

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