Re: Infection

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 96 16:25:09 -0500

Jane Williams
>We're told all over the place that disease is vitally important in
Glorantha, >much worse than the RW. In that case, wouldn't the real danger from injuries be >infection?

        Yeah, but most injuries are fixed by means of a Treat Wounds, Heal or other spell, which removes a nice bacterial habitat (i.e., the wound environment) before it can get too infected. There is no wound to fester, fill with pus, or get necrotic. If a large quantity of disease organisms get into a wound (as via the spear of a broo), then the wound can be infected even if it's healed quickly, but this is the exception rather than the norm.

        And no, there don't have to be bacteria in Glorantha for the above to work the same, for those of you who relegate all disease in Glorantha to disease spirits.

        Anyway, one of the major differences between Glorantha and Earth is that infection from wounds is less common. Internal wounds (puerpural fever, frex) and the like probably cause just as many problems, and of course infectious and/or contagious disease is a major problem. Just not sitting around and watching your wounds suppurate.

Sandy P.

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