Re: atheists

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 96 19:25:03 -0500

Simon Phipp
>Sandy mentions that Vadeli are atheists - thanks. In the Convulsions
>2 Pub Quiz, one question asked who were the atheist cultures in
>Glorantha - we answered Brithini and Vadeli bu the "official" answer
>was Brithini and Mostali (who worship Mostal) and we lost a point.

        Well, the Vadeli atheism stems from the same source as the Brithini -- it's not an independent atheism, if you get my meaning. Still, you ought to have got at least a half-point, I'm sure.

>I am a bit rusty, but I found [Lovecraft's] style very disappointing

        I don't object to anyone hating HPL. I only wished to reply to the unjust manner in which you argued against him. There's certainly reasons enough to hold HPL in contempt, if so inclined, without inventing a phony one about how lame he is for not describing his monsters.


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