
From: David Cake <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 21:33:47 -0800

Kitori - James talked about the descent of the Kitori. I think the Kitori humans claim descent from Vorzar Kitor, the founder of the tribes. I don't think the trolls claim to be descended from him, but one of their ancestresses once married a sacred king of the human Kitori. Vorzaz Kitor was not descended from the OOO. This isn't actually incompatible with them also claiming descent from the OOO, though.

        I don't think they claimed descent from Arkat - among other reasons, I've been very recently informed, much to my surprise, that the Kitori were opposed to Arkat (at the time of Varonal Zor, of the Broken Council).

        (I am still quietly working on the Kitori, but this revelation, which was apparently in the Broken Council, has rather thrown my ideas into a loop).



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