DUCK MINI-PACK - Those We Serve 2

From: Sérgio Mascarenhas <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 01:00:15 +0100

This is the second part in the description of those gods that ducks worship but that didn't became part of their friendship cult.  

THE WET MASTERS Part I - The Myths
The Wet Masters are water or water related gods worshipped by the ducks. Under this name durulz actually worship three gods: Iphara the Fog Mistress; Diros the Boatman; the River God(s).

  1. Ducks and the Waters in the Golden Age When Yelm ruled over Glorantha he decided on what each creature would be allowed to eat. Some would fast on Aldrya's sons; others would live on the sons of the beast. Those that didn't pay their respects to him and sided with darkness were only allowed to eat the worst Glorantha had t offer: rocks and slime.

Yelm loved flying birds above all and he told Vrimak father of birds to chose what he wanted to eat. So Vrimak told his sons: "Chose what you want to eat, whether it is the sons of Aldrya or if it is the sons of the beast; if it is those who fly, those who swim or those who walk above the earth." When it came the time for ducks to chose, their choice was the creatures that lived on the water.

Latter Yelm cursed the ducks and they lost the ability to fly. They longed for feasting on the fish of the rivers and lakes but they didn't dare because they feared the revenge of the water gods against those that eated their creatures.

2. How they befriended the waters in the darkness 2.1 Iphara the protectress
Once, after that Drulkazan settled with is troop of ducks in the outskirts of the Creek-Stream, he was hunting in a bog when he found himself inside the heaviest of the mists. The mist was the cloak of the goddess Iphara that was trying to escape some land dwelling entity that persecuted her. Drulkazan happened to encounter the goddess and offered his help. He showed her the way to the river and how to escape her persecutor. Since then the mother of fog allows ducks to wrap themselves on her cloak in case of danger.

2.2 Diros the pathmaker
In another occasion the ducks saw a body floating on the river encircled by nymphs. It was Diros the boatman. His back that was outside the water was covered with parasites that brought great sufferings for the god. Ducks decided to help him: they rised to the top of the god and started to clean his wounds with the water of the river. That's how they became followers of Diro.

2.3 River the provider of plenty
In a third occasion while traveling with Diros they saw the chaos spawn trying to cross the river by building a bridge with the dead bodies of Aldrya's sons. The river god was helpless in trying to destroy the plans of chaos. The durulz came with a plan to destroy the bridge: Diros took the form of a tree and the ducks introduced him among the fallen bodies under the disguise of the cloak of Iphara. Then they bound the god to the other trees and finally they drove the whole down river. The chaotic creatures fell into the waters where they were exterminated. In payment for this service of the ducks the river god accepted their cult and allowed them to fish and eat his creatures.

Part II - The Cult

The Wet Masters Cult is a variant of the river gods cult with a more developed worship of Diros the Boatman then in the standard river gods cult and with the addiction of the worship of Iphara.

The requirements are equal to any river cult. Initiates can learn one-use the special divine spells described below. To learn the special divine spells of Diros and Iphara they must go to a temple of one of those sub-cults.

The Wet Masters Cult has three sub-cults dedicated to the three gods: Iphara, Diros and River god.

Cloak Priests:
These are priests that specialize on the sub-cult of Iphara. They must live on a bog.
Special spirit magic: Cross Fog; Shimmer. Special Divine Magic: Mist Call; Illusory Mist; Illusory Sight, Sound, Motion.

Raft Masters:
These are the priests of the Diros sub-cult. They must live on a raft or boat and have at least a 50% skill on rowing or boat pushing. Special spirit magic: Rower Strengh; Repair; Endurance. Special Divine Magic: Follow Canal; Float; True Pole.

Fisherduck priests:
These are followers of the river god. They must live on or above the waters of the river (haft houses, boats or rafts). The priesthood is similar to that of the standard river cult.

NEW SPIRIT MAGIC SPELLS Cross fog: Similar to River-Eyes, but allows to see in a mist instead of water. It takes about a round (3d6 SR) to get a clear view. It's only effective when the recipient is moving. If he stops, the mist 'closes' again within 3d6 SR.

Rower Strengh: For each MP gains 2 Strengh for the actions of rowing or pulling a pole.

NEW DIVINE MAGIC SPELLS Mist Call: Similar to Cloud Call but calls a mist instead of clouds.

Follow Canal: It's applied in a raft or boat floating on a river or bog. The caster specifies a destination he knows; the raft or boat will follow the best path to the destination without need for direction (but it still needs to be pushed). If no destination is specified, and the boat is in a bog, it will go to the river; if the boat is in the river, it will go to the river mouth.

True Pole: can be applied in a pole or a row. Doubles the velocity of the rower or poler.

Sergio Mascarenhas

End of The Glorantha Digest V5 #113

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