Post Red Moon Glorantha

From: scp4 <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 14:39:44 +0100

> Rodney Smith <> wrote
> Yes, Idon't own any of the Stafford works (KOS, et al.), but I'm curious
> as to the exact effects of what happened *after* the events of King of
> Sartar. I doubt that the civilization of the Pelorian basin just upped
> and died with the (apparent) destruction of the Red Goddess. How would
> have Pelorian culture have changed with the destruction of the Goddess
> and religion that guided and embodied Pelorian (and later, Carmanian)
> culture for 400 plus years? Would the associated lunar demi-gods and
> hero cults have also survived? Would there perhaps be small 'moonlets'
> of debris still in the middle air, allowing lunar spirits and minor
> deities to survive? What would have (has had) happened to the
> government of the Lunar Empire?

I wonder if perhaps fragmemnts of the Red Moon would fall to earth providing the continuance of minor spirit & hero cults and perhaps even deities like Etyries and the Seven Mothers to continue, looking for a new pantheon.
> I feel that this would perhaps be one of the most exciting times to
> adventure in Glorantha, as the region of Central Genertela would be
> working through the fallout of the destruction of the Red Goddess.
> Depending on what the events are that lead to the Illiteracy era, this
> could actually be one huge 'blank event'. Even though Rufelza would be
> gone, her empire is not. Is the Red Goddess truly destroyed, or merely
> transformed? Would new rune cults arise to reflect this change? Would
> the established government of the Lunar Empire revert back to the old
> solar Yelmic worship system, yet retain the advances of the Empire, or
> split apart?

A shattered empire would provide an interesting milleu, kind of like the old Shattered Imperium of MegaTraveller. Without the unifying force of the Lunar Imperial Bureaucracy which held in check the old rivalries between, Dara Happa, Peloria, Carmania and the other provinces civil war is likely to erupt with each group seeking it's own salvation. The assimilation of Tarsh, Aggar and the Risklands seems inevitable, their close cultural ties with Sartar and the Exiles make them relatively easy targets. Conservative Western culture could blossom once more in Carmania although it could not ignore it's Theist elements, perhaps the Cult of Arkat would re-emerge triumphant. Dara Happa does still have a strong Solar culture and given the politicking endemic in the Empire, astute Solar priests could seize power quickly and efficiently. Peloria, given it's location is likely to become the battleground of the successor States. As a grim guide we should perhaps look at recent history in the Balkans where for nearly two millennia the Romans, Byzantines, Turks and then Tito held rivalries in check only to have them flare again when the brakes were removed.  

> Another thing to think about in this Blank Event is what's happening on
> Argrath's side. Would there now be a re-exploration of the old Wyrmish
> draconic secrets, now melded into Orlanthi myth, as opposed to
> juxtaposed to it, back in the days of the EWF? Would the new kingdom of
> Argrath be united, or would the feuds between clans start up again?

The Quivini are a feckless lot, always in Disarray, for Argath's lifetime things might remain peaceful, but sooner or later squabbles will arrive, either old clan rivalries, struggles between Matriarchal Earth Tribes and Patriarchal Orlanthi or perhaps the one or more of the Independents will break away and cause trouble. The best way the rulership of Dragon Pass could retain it's internal cohesion long enough for it to become the way of things is a vigorous policy of expansion, using external conflict to divert the energies of the more powerful and unruly, among their subjects. As far as Draconic elements go, the way of the Dragons I feel is destabiliasation like many of the ancient powers of Glorantha they see an enlightening or unifying force in Glorantha as "evil" leading to corruption and depravity. Considering their experiences with the EWF, they will on Argath's death sever their connections with his Empire.

> what about the fate of the Holy Country? I've always wanted to run a
> rune-level adventure that would result in a grand heroquest to restore
> Pharoah, a la the Lightbringer's Quest.

Well, do it then! Actually it would be possible, but, although to us in the 16th century the Pharoah is the eternal spirit of Kethaela he was an entity of the second age, the ancient lands of Kethaela may war one upon the other for dominance, but I imagine Argrath will seek the same path to the see that Moonson did and for the same reasons. With the Moon shattered, Argrath may even view conquest of The Holy Country as a greater priority than actions in central Genertela.

> And what of the Kingdom of
> War? If Seshnela falls, will the Theist lands of Central Genertela be
> next?

Logically, yes they would, but it is also possible that the K.O.W. would exhaust itself in ravaging the west and be to weak and dispersed to hold the lands they already conquered, they are not a stabilizing force. Actually rebuilding Seshnela or Ralios after the conquest and collapse of the K.O.W. could be a very interesting millieu.

Of course my campaign is still in 1585 and who knows what may lie ahead. After all, the history in White Bear, Red Moon/Dragon Pass claims that Argath failed to unite Dragon Pass and ultimately failed when he turned on his allies, and the Empire retook Boldhome, so who knows what really happened?

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