Re. Shadowing Mikael

From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 17:00:49 +0100

Erik Sieurin :

>But I could just as easily summon a Shade from a patch of, say,
>shadow under a house in broad daylight. Now, if that Shade moves
>away, will new darkness rush in (from where - deep within the
>ground?) to take its place, or will it be a diluted darkness, less
>dark? Can I summon a new Shade from that darkness, or isn't the new
>dark 'strong' enough?

Darkness and Shadow are infinitely extensible, just as light and fire are. If I throw a lighted candle into a hay bale, in mere seconds the hay bale will be engulfed in raging flames. If I roll a rock over the entrance to a cave, in mere seconds the cave will be filled to the brim with inkyest darkness. What's the problem?

Is the heat of the candle thinned out and spread over the volume of the burning hay bale into a pale warmth? Where does all that fire come from? It's the same question and it has the same answer - in Glorantha anyway.

Simon Hibbs

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