Resurfacing briefly

From: Jane Williams <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 18:32:03 +0100

In answer to "where is everyone?": trying to recover from an attack of RSI, myself.
Now almost back to normal, and I can type again, if I had time to do so in between
the Convulsion preparations.

Speaking of which, a couple of questions.

  1. Would anyone else who'd going like to borrow some costume? I do a bit of medival/Dark Age re-enactment, and can bring spares of my kit or my husband's if anyone needs something. Dark Age tailoring is along the lines of "ten sizes too big and tie in the middle", so should fit most people.
  2. I seem to be about to be the Queen of Holay. I've read the Glorantha Book, and KoS, and still feel I know nothing about the place. Has anyone done any work there who would like to share the results?

Chris Bell asked:
> A question for Jane Williams - how is the PBEM world of Gloranthan gaming
For a detailed answer, wander over to the Web site: URL in the sig. Bu in general, we have two "live" campaigns, one by email and one by Chat, plus
others that seem to have died. The GM work-load seems to overcome most people after the first month or so. Chat, whether IRC or whatever, has a problem in that
we're a pretty international lot. The existing game, at 1pm British time, has a US GM
and an Australian player: one has problems waking up that early and the other keeps falling asleep. If you get a GM and players all in more or less the same timezone
 it might work better.

Anyone want to GM an email campaign? Joerg: weren't you complaining of a player

(Oooh! Orlanth has suddenly started being demonstrative, and this may not be good
for any PCs connected to the mains. I'll stop typing and go and watch!)

Jane Williams

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