Re: Vinga Thunderous, other Orlanthi bits

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 15:34:13 +0100 (BST)

Jane Williams on Kallyr in the "Thunderous" High Council seat:
> No, she must have been at least as Thunderous as a full Thunderous Priest.

Probably so, though I think that the purpose of the seat isn't "Thunderous delegate to the Council", it's principally a political office, with certain sacral "qualifications" before you can legimately occupy the position.

> And no way does Vinga give that.

That's kinda begging the question. Certainly the usual "Vinga Adventuress" aspect (or Red Haired Warrior, to give Jeff Richard fewer hives) doesn't, but it's not clear to me that there isn't _a_ mode of Vinga worship that does.

Is no one buying my ploy of Vingans having a Thunder Brothers (Thunder Sisters?) type subcult?


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