
From: Tarry Higgins <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 98 00:41 BST-1

I've been having thoughts about illumination on and off. As it's raised it's head on the list again....

Ultimatly I've decided that in my Glorantha illumination means that you know that cult spirits will not come and get you if you break cult vows. It makes you immume to the magical retaliation of your cult, and you know that you are immune. (You can also recognise other illuminates as well)

That's it. But the important thing is that you know that you are immune to the magical retaliation normally dispatched by your God. This way you can justify anything you want at all. A character who becomes illuminated can act in any way he sees fit.

He can keep to his vows showing that he has a strong will, and is dedicated to his cause. Thus showing that although all ways may be the same (or different or unimportant) the insights brought by illumination show that it is right to follow one way
He can join dozens of cults, ignoring any or all restrictions (as long as the cults don't see him do it). Thus showing that although all ways may be the same (or different or unimportant) the insights brought by illumination show that it is right to follow one way

Leave it up to the character, or decide on an NPC by NPC basis.

 The Taz! ....

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