George, if you have problems, talk to the individuals involved rather than wasting bandwidth for everyone. Otherwise your cries of intolerance are as compelling as those of a certain lad of folktale crying "Wolf!"
>I have never expressed concern about Nick's and Simon's (and Michael
>Schwartz's) comments regarding Hero Wars... what I have found disturb-
>ing is their attitude towards people who do not toe the party line that
>everything about Hero Wars is good and great.
Everything about Hero Wars is good and great because it means there is new Glorantha material in the pipeline, and not just in dribs and drabs as we've been stuck with under Avalon Hill's so-called "RuneQuest Renaissance". Yes, Issaries has yet to prove that it can keep promises, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because there will be *NO* new Glorantha material otherwise. Hang together or hang separately... seems pretty simply to me.
RuneQuest as a commercially-viable rules system is more or less dead. Obsolescence requires that we either get with the program and modernize, or be left behind in the dust. Are you a Windows 3.1 or NT grognard? Did you hang on to your Pentium rather than upgrade to a Pentium II or, even more doggedly, keep your 486 rather than upgrade to a Pentium? Is this metaphor clear? If you choose to be left behind, great... more power to you. Just don't gripe about it constantly to those of us who made the transition.
>And who can forget Michael Schwartz's hysterical screed against Michael
>Cule, Bryan Tickler and [Robert Wolfe] for daring to exhibit independent
My my, what a troll thou art, George. You don't mind people whose views of game design differ from yours, unless they happen to attempt to clear up misconceptions about a system... still in playtest, mind you... which several individuals maligned, sight unseen, because it was not "the previous roolz". Then you flame and fuss and try to act all wounded.
If you care to respond in a rational fashion, do it off-list please to save the remainder of the membership yet another page-down. Not that you'll heed a polite suggestion any more than an impolite one but, if you genuinely wish to discuss the matter free of your usual flame-baiting, I'll be happy to do so privately as not to inflict it on the Digest.
Michael Schwartz Ann Arbor, MI USA
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