> I think Peter is right, not because Belintar swam
> ashore, but rather beause of the mermen. As
> airbreathers, they live (swim) _on_ the sea, more
> than _in_ the sea. Thus, if swimmers were affected by
> the Closing, they would have been in big trouble.
Howabout my idea of Magasta getting his revenge with a little help from Zzabur <merman point of view>. I think Magasta's monsters attacked non-sea-god worshippers and if you wish to qualify this further, maybe they did not attack descendents of the sea gods. As long as they did not sail ships e.g. the Waertagi, because then the Closing spell misfire of Zzabur hits them.
I don't think Belintar proves or disproves anything. He was some sort of Hero/Superhero. Maybe it was a one off trick or a power he could teach others ? What kind of idiot wants to swim out of sight of land anyway ? Expecially when he/she knows there are big ugly monsters out there eating ships and their crews.
Cheers, Andrew
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