Re: Holy Country Questions

Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 18:16:35 EST

Fabrice Lamidey:

<< 1) At what precise date is the Pharaoh dismembered by Jar-eel ? >>

      1616 was the year, but I'm not aware of the specific day having been mentioned anywhere (which is pretty much a cue for Pete or someone to prove me wrong :-)).

<< 2) In what circumstances (naval combat i suppose) ? >>

      During the Tournament of the Masters of Luck & Death. She inserted herself into the MOLAD HeroQuest and changed the plot, so to speak, so that he died instead of being reborn. If you mean what in what circumstances did his previous body die, then, AFAIK, it just conked out in the way it usually does after a few years of him wearing it. OTOH, the Kethealan fleet was destroyed by Wolf Pirates in that year, so he could always have been offed then if you prefer.

<< 3) What are the events of the tournament of luck and death ? >>

     Well, we know that there are six stages, each representing one of the Sixths. It has been argued that they re-enact the ways in which Belintar proved his superiority over each. There was some debate on this on the Digest about a year ago, which you might be able to find in the archives.

<< 4) At what date does in take place in 1616 ? >>

     If this question refers to the MOLAD tournament, then see question 1 above. Such tournaments are held as soon as possible after the death of the Pharoah's previous body.

<< 5) Anybody has ever seen a map of Nochet ? What is the organization
 of the city ?>>  

     Although it isn't a detailed street map, and doesn't cover the entire city, there is a partial one in Tradetalk #4 (the current issue, so relatively easy to obtain), which also includes an article by MOB about the city and its organisation - essentially, it is ruled by a matriarch acting on the advice of the queens of Esrolia. Tradetalk #4 was devoted primarily to the Holy Country, and so should have lots of useful information for you, and more will follow in #5, due out later this year.

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