>I was talking with the rest of my group the other day & the topic came up
>would a worshipper of Orlanth be able to worship the Lunar Goddess?
An Orlanthi would be able to worship the Goddess but one cannot worship Orlanth at the same time. A Tarshite could worship Ernalda or Barntar as well as the Goddess but Orlanth himself is an implaccable foe. Within the Empire, there are plenty of storm deities and sons of Orlanth who can be invoked for their aerial powers. As a result of the Imperial conquest of South Peloria, these gods have become emphasized at the expense of directly worshipping Orlanth himself.
>When the leaders begin to follow these ideas people follow
>them in increasing numbers if it works. This begins a breakdown in
>traditional Heortish values & customs until after a few generations a
>complete change will have gone about.
If so, it's taking an inordinately long time to come about. Sylila has been Lunarized for yonks but the vast majority of its citizens are still recognizably Orlanthi.
> The main problem with Sartari campaigns is that the Lunars are often
>bunched up as one people. however it appears to be the Tarshites in Sartar
>that are causing the problems.
I think both Heartlanders and Tarshites have their good sides and bad when dealing with the Sartarites. The problem is that currently they are squabbling for control and the Sartarites are getting the worst of both worlds.
>The disciplined Heartland troops are less
>likely to pillage/torture/massacre at random than the thieving Tarshites
>thus would cause fewer problems for the locals.
OTOH they are more likely to do so as a result of deliberate government policy. "Crucify the usual suspects".
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