Re : Lunars and Chaos

From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 11:05:13 +0100

I give one reason why Lunar illuminates aren't too bothered about chaos :

>This is one reason why I think the Lunars don't care so much about
>chaos either. If you can transcend the created world and achieve
>eternal bliss, who cares what happens to everything else? It becomes
>a non-problem.

Peter gives _the_ reason :

>That's not the reason why the Lunars embrace chaos. ........The
>Lunars don't embrace chaos because they don't care about the
>consequences, they embrace it because they must.

Absolutely, 100%.

It's a shame they forgot about cosmic inclusiveness in the case of Orlanth. Oops!

Simon Hibbs

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