Note that technically, land is odal property, therefore an individual doesn't actually 'own' it, but rather, has 'traditional rights to it'. (Or not so traditional, if they've been assigned by the chief 10 minutes ago.) I don't think it's pragmatically or politically possible to assert such rights unless you're either going to farm (or whatever) the land yourself, or have immediate family (or thralls, or whomever) to do it for you...
> Unlike Humankt followers who step outside the clan structure through
> deliberate choice, Storm Bullies are still part of their Tribe and Clan.
Uroxi may also be somewhat 'semi-detached' from their clans, especially where they end up as part of an independant Uroxi war-band. They might also serve as a tribal king's huscarls, which also takes tham some distance outside of their clan roles, though is some way sort of a complete legal separation from same. But certainly you can be an Uroxi weaponthane wholly within your clan (or indeed, a carl with a relationship to Urox of some sort when you take up arms).
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