Elfsense and Language

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 13:08:58 +1300

Martin Crim:

>ElfSense or Lifesense is the medium of language and communication for
>Aldryami, and it depends on touch.

I do believe that Elfsense can be used to pick up emotions emitted by other elves through their voices. The Elves thus communicate over a distance by "singing" (not actually human song but any sound found in the forest such as birdsong, rustling of leaves etc) and reserve touch only for more intimate or secure communications.

Likewise Trees and other plants can communicate over a distance (cf Elder Secrets where the young elf is told to send his fear into the forest if he sees a stranger). Their "speech" is more primal than the Aldryami.

>The Warrior class is one of the few novelties
>evolved by the culture, postdating the first contact between elf and man
>[man in this context refers to all flesh-based man-creatures]; these
>individuals are capable of independent operation for extended periods of
>time, and, as such, are likely to be the types encountered in the wide world.

I don't believe in a Warrior class of elves. IMO what happens is that the elfsense of young elves is immature such that the Sun dominates their worldview which fills them with vigor and excitement, and often propels many of them to travel beyond the borders of their woods. These make up most of the Marching Aldryami and if a forest is destroyed then the Marching Aldryami can survive the loss long enough to either regrow the woods or find fresh woods for their new home.

When they become sexually mature, their elfsense perception of the woods deepens and they become more aware of the trees and other growing things and are more attached to them. As a result, most of them cannot leave the woods.

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