Re: Vinga and Orlanth

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:00:49 EST

Simon Hibbs, replying to me:

<< I can well believe that women can't
>worship Orlanth Warrior (they have Vinga) and that men can't worship
>the Mother (they have Nandan if they *really* must).

 Assuming that Vingans don't worship Orlanth. >>

     Actually, I'm only assuming that Vinga and Orlanth Warrior have separate cults. Vinga could still be a subcult of Orlanth, just not the *same* subcult. This doesn't seem terribly controversial to me, and seems to be supported in the material I've seen. Likewise, Nandan may be a subcult of Ernalda FAIK, but he isn't the same subcult as Ernalda the Mother.

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