other duality

From: TERRA INCOGNITA <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_mrg.biglobe.ne.jp>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 19:25:19 +0900

imho, divorce of authority and power
is rare in non-malkioni gloranthan society like lunar empire, isnt it?(southpoint and northpoint in loskalm, seguraine and leplain in tanisor , feudalistic)
historically successful empires in real ancient which not invented long distance network yet are united religious and politic center dominated by dictator.but in godlearner empire, were there religious center of jrustela and imperial palace of seshnela ?do ewf have divided left hand and right hand on their domain?
some real world case :
imperial kyoto and shogunate
abbassid caliph &turkey sultan
catholic pope &holy roman emperor : id est guelph and ghibelline gloranthan peculiality to strong personality impedes appearance of king maker?
is the middle of perfect disorder and despotic empire to biporalization disturbance to unity?
in my view under this theme, the typical separation are: orlanthi:schism of windlord and stormvoice:unification by alakoring? lunar:conflict between glamour of apotheosis and first blessed torang?

afaik, shargash/alkoth materials are rich in enclosure and carmanian war materials. and this makes dara happa unbalance because that of about yuthubars is poor and non-unifying in comparison with alkoth. yuthubars/yuthuppa cult list

1:anaxial city founder
2:arraz/lux: are there shamans of arraz in the monarchy?
4:dayzater:good chaos? world top of outside ,most pure from dirty soil and
5:irripi:his hometown
6:lightfore?:iirc, in one of wyrmsfootprints description his fail action for rescuing orenoar:godlearnish version truth goddess of celestial court from obsidian palace(underworld fortress part of argan arger) forces dayzater flee from his throne and
ourania take this as his proxy:how it changed in true dara happan theme? 7:ourania
8:polaris/cult of polaris description:mr.nick effingham http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/wakboth/polaris.htm there are some unknown words for me;
spear Kelofolin the Shining Point
Sky Cage of Ourania
10:yanafal same as irripi

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