Pavis and Vinga

From: Ian Thomson <>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:51:09 +1100

PAVIS Joerg:
"Pavis' main reason for going to Robcradle was to get revenge for his family which had been killed in the sack of Adari, a satellite town of the EWF totally innocent of what had happened in Robcradle, but sacked after the destruction of Robcradle nonetheless. Pavis wanted to get even with those responsible, both the Praxians and the giants."

Whilst this would seem reasonable for some people, revenge to me involves 'trashing and leaving' and less 'building a new and unique city in the ruins afterwards'
Also, whilst it is implied that Pavis came from Adari and had family there, I'm pretty sure it is never more than implied, and often in Glorantha things don't turn out as you suspect.

I suspect that whatever personal satisfaction Pavis got from dealing a solid blow against the nomads and the giants, that his motivations for resettling Robcradle were somewhat more thought-out than revenge.

Dwarf Mine (830 ST)
Pavis: Wanna come and kick some nomad and giant butt at Robcradle? Isidilian the Wise: What, and then build a magnificent new, magically diverse, and culturally rich city in the ruins? Count me in! I have a Faceless Friend who's always good for a rumble too!

Not a dig at Joerg, just a chance for so-called humor. On the whole I have found much in Joerg, Peter and Keith's discussion of things Pavic very interesting and revealing

- --------------------

VINGA Greg in response to my request for clarification: "Apparantly a lot of heat has been generated by a HW draft without anyone asking before stirring the coals. Both Orlanth and Ernalda have subcults which are exclusive of the other gender, but in general either cult is open to anyone."

Part of my original question:
>Why then not simply add Vinga to this list,
>as the patroness of feisty Orlanthi grrrls?

Greg: "Always has been. She is one of the Thunder Brothers"

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