Animal and Boarding Prices in Pavis

From: Philippe Krait <>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:12:04 +0000

I think this has surely been noticed before, but there are huge discrepancies between the prices for Animals in Pavis.

I noticed that in Pavis and Big Rubble, of course, between the tables on page 40 and 67.

There are also discrepancies between the Prices for living quarters, but I think that the table on page 39 is more suitable, being tailored for the list of Inns described in the book.

I am unable to check, because my old edition of Pavis has been left in France now that I have the brand new shiny book, but were these tables already that way in the first edition ?

Also, which of these tables do you guys apply (if you apply one, that is... :-).


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