Trickster Roleplaying Levels

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 11:03:06 -0500 (EST)

I challenge, indeed I DENY the very premise that there are "levels" to roleplaying that can be arranged in a hierarchical premise from worst to best. I challenge, indeed I DENY that it is possible to rationally claim that there is an ideal level of roleplaying.

I put forth a formal challenge to anyone who disagrees with me to RIGOROUSLY DEMONSTRATE that I am in error. I want to see hard evidence, not mere statements of personal taste. I want hard evidence for any and all absolutes claimed.

Finally, j'accuse!  

I accuse those who do maintain that such standards exist are either lying or unable to distinguish between true universals and mere personal taste and that the latter compound their error by irrationally sticking to their guns in the face of all facts contrary.

My accusation is made.

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