Re: Gone with the Wind

From: Weihe, David <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 19:30:10 -0500

> From:
> How do creatures and things fly in (above) Glorantha ?

You are assuming that RW conditions apply to a place where magic is as real as a brick wall. Inappropriate.

I always assume that Glorantha exists in the very early Universe, when quarks were so close together that they were able to form large chains like molecules. Thus, teleportation is just the Uncertainty Principle, acting in a world where 1000 key miles is actually smaller than a modern nucleon.

It at least shuts off complaints that (your RW Substance Here) doesn't behave properly in a game, even if it is just pseudo-scientific jargon. If you can just say "That's the way it is, so accept it" of course, so much the better. That doesn't usually work with a group where everyone majored in one of the hard sciences or mathematics, though.

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