Nochet Bishopric

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2000 10:30:49 +1300

Brian Maloney:

Me>> Consequently the Bishopric is now in Communion with the See of
>> Leplain, the bishop's a paid lackey of the Quinpolic League and
>> they are busy trying to convert the Aeolians to their faith to

>If the Nochet Bishopric is in Communion with the See of Leplain, there
>is no need for any conversion. To be in Communion with means to be OF
>THE SAME FAITH. Any differences are considered to be insignificant to
>the Faith.

The Bishop and his minions are of the same faith as the Seshnegi, but most of his flock on the other side of the Mirrorsea (the Aeolians) have yet to be convinced of the Rokari creed. Hence conversion is needed to bring the Aeolians back into the fold or Bishopric as they have been moved out of it. I think many are still confused enough to pay the traditional respect to the Nochet Bishop.

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