(sorry, we don't have GTA membership. so didn't have access to eastern god
and I don't know how herowars changed this condition.
IMO, pentan religion have much similarity to prax, border between shamanism and theism: exception is sheng seleris
all tribes:
sheng seleris: khan of gods, anger of justice?
and his bursts
zolathi: kralorelan mystic god?, god of sheng
regional god:
earth goddess of oraya?(like paps?reverend mother?, eneny of honeel)
genert: dead god
sun tribe(trditionalist):
kargzant: sun god (aspect of hunter, warrior, leader, elder)
yamsur: first son of sun, killed by god war hippoi: partner of yamsur, hippogryph, horse mother? hyalor: descendant of yamsur, catch the horse, hippoigolden bow: one of solar pantheon gods, hunter, bow lux?: king of light spirit
storm tribe(radicalist):
westwind king (orlanth)
northwind war (humakt)
southwind beast (urox)
eastwind stinking (gagarth)
enemy gods:
mother of uzdom (east kingdom of dozaki, north hollri and uzhim, hell crack)
eastern dragon empire
southern beast riders, sons of waha
shargash?waha?(red planet)
lightfore?(dara happan false sun yelm?)
general kastok
orathorn evil sorcerors
western red moon: goddess, takenegi, honeel (three generations)
chaos demons
End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #277
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