Though, in Glorantha, a man alone is in serious trouble. But your example seems to be pretty much in the designed paramter for a standard campaign. Training up to be a hero is one of the main foci of the game (or at least, in my modest opinion) Perhaps your game's a bit like King of Dragon Pass TN^15G. There are some fairly drastic changes in how magic is percieved and skills work but I will leave that to the more able scholars to interpret...
But, on the whole, I'm very happy with what I've seen of the mew game.
Jeff Kyer
> Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 00:11:29 +0800
> From: GAZZA <>
> Subject: Some game related queries...
> Let me be a little more specific. I've recently (a couple of
> months ago) started a new group - total Gloranthan neophytes
> (much like their GM ;-), using mostly RuneQuest rules but with
> a liberal helping of house rules from PenDragon Pass, and
> Nikk Effingham and Simon Phipp's homepages. (For example, I'm
> using PenDragon Pass traits, and Nikk's passions and character
> generation, and lots of ideas from Simon's pages). I started
> the game in roughly 1600; the PCs were Orlanthi refugees, and
> found themselves a friendly fledgling Clan in Prax on the shores
> of the River of Cradles, where they have constructed a small
> tula and began to farm. They've done a bit of exploring, a
> bit of "defend against the nasty nomads" stuff, and the like.
> The first game year has ended; the PCs are now officially
> weaponthanes for their tula, and they've got reasonable
> qualifications for this role (although they are hardly RuneLords,
> of course). Basically, they're a long way from being Heroes.
> I'm wondering if HeroWars caters to this sort of play, or is it
> more specifically aimed at the actual Heroes in the aforementioned
> Wars. I rather suspect the latter; in that case, though, is
> HeroWars going to be useful to me as something other than a
> Gloranthan resource?
> It's not that I don't ever want my PCs to be involved in the
> Hero Wars, you understand, it's just that I rather like the
> idea of them having to earn their stripes (as it were). How
> compatible will Hero Wars be with RuneQuest? Will (for example)
> any of the magic be recognisable, or will we just have to wing it?
> - --
> "To know others is wisdom.
> To know one's self is enlightenment."
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