Genert's garden

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:12:15 +1300

Bob Stancliff:

Me>> If Pent was part of the Garden, then it would be blasted
>> chaos waste when Genert died.

>Well, if Genert's lands were blasted because he died, then there would
>not be anything left in Genertela.

Genert only ruled a part of the continent that bears his name (and the same could be said of Pamalt). He only makes it as a guest star/evil uncle in Orlanthi myth whereas Kralori, Malkioni, Yelmic and even Pelandan mythology do not know of him or his rule. If he was the ruling god of all Genertela, I would expect to see some more evidence of his existance in Maniria and Peloria.

>I believe that it was the Chaos army that destroyed the Garden
>and killed Genert, not Genert's death that blasted the Garden...

Look at the chaos wars map at Uz Lore and you'll see that the Chaos Armies did not physically visit all parts of the Wastelands. Furthermore they visited other parts of Genertela which are more fertile today than the wastelands.

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