Yah. The Gaming World is divided into several subsets. Two of the most noticeable being 'Dorks' and 'Geeks'
Dorks obsess about detail (Game World, Rules and/or Numbers) and read vast amounts of background information on their chosen subjects. Complusive buying of books, small press fanzines and such like is a the most obvious spotters guide. Allmost everyone on this list Frex.
Geeks generally like to shoot things lots, but there is a subset that just wants to immerse itself in cyber space controling the destiny of Worlds/Clans/Crawley things. A tendancy to collect trading cards and 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' stuff is evident. Anybody seen complaining that they dont sell cathater bags with Quake IV.
Generally Speaking the second sub-set of Geeks can also be Dorks and like to Role-Play if they can be pursaded to read the damn books.
It is unusal for Cat1 Geeks to role Play......although I did recently talk to a young GM who was enthusing about Cthulhu's Dreamlands stuff and the adventure he had just got....I mentioned a few others and their simmilaritys to 'The Dream Quest for Unknown Kadath' and his eyes glazed over at the thought of reading fiction instead of gaming books....fortunaetly I pointed him at the (Excellent) Comic Book series by Mockman Press and he recovered and got happy again......<sigh>
Saddnes is relative...but at least 'paper gamers' like to kid ourselves about human interaction....(shaddup and role the dice!)
Dom T 'Older Dork who complains about state of younger players these days' Subset Member.
ps Read Dork Tower:- http://www.kovalic.com or #3 especially of the Mag if ya can get it!
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